/* $Id$ */ #include /* Template for driver task, setup and attach routines. To be instantiated * by defining the relevant symbols in header files. */ /* Copyright: Till Straumann , 2005; * License: see LICENSE file. */ /* $Name$ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef IF_REG_HEADER #include IF_REG_HEADER #endif #ifdef IF_VAR_HEADER #include IF_VAR_HEADER #endif #include #define EX_EVENT RTEMS_EVENT_1 #undef IRQ_AT_8259 NETDEV_DECL = { /*[0]:*/{ /* softc: */ { /* arpcom: */{ /* ac_if: */ { 0 }}}}}; static void net_daemon(void *arg); #ifdef HAVE_LIBBSPEXT #include static void the_net_isr(void *); #else static void noop(const rtems_irq_connect_data *unused) {} static int noop1(const rtems_irq_connect_data *unused) { return 0;} #if ISMINVERSION(4,6,99) static void the_net_isr(rtems_irq_hdl_param); #else static void the_net_isr(); #if NETDRIVER_SLOTS > 1 #error only one instance supported (stupid IRQ API) #else static struct NET_SOFTC *thesc; #endif #endif #endif #if defined(NETDRIVER_PCI) /* Public setup routine for PCI devices; * TODO: currently doesn't work for subsystem vendor/id , i.e. * devices behind a standard PCI interface... */ int NET_EMBEMB(rtems_,NETDRIVER_PREFIX,_pci_setup)(int inst); #endif static unsigned NET_EMBEMB(,NETDRIVER_PREFIX,_net_driver_ticks_per_sec) = 0; /* other drivers may already have this created */ extern unsigned net_driver_ticks_per_sec __attribute__((weak, alias(NET_STRSTR(NETDRIVER_PREFIX)"_net_driver_ticks_per_sec") )); #ifdef DEBUG_MODULAR net_drv_tbl_t * volatile METHODSPTR = 0; #endif int NET_EMBEMB(rtems_,NETDRIVER_PREFIX,_attach) (struct rtems_bsdnet_ifconfig *config, int attaching) { int error = 0; device_t dev = net_dev_get(config); struct NET_SOFTC *sc; struct ifnet *ifp; #ifndef HAVE_LIBBSPEXT rtems_irq_connect_data irq_data = { 0, the_net_isr, #if ISMINVERSION(4,6,99) 0, #endif noop, noop, noop1 }; #endif if ( !dev ) return 1; if ( !dev->d_softc.NET_SOFTC_BHANDLE_FIELD ) { #if defined(NETDRIVER_PCI) device_printf(dev,NETDRIVER" unit not configured; executing setup..."); /* setup should really be performed prior to attaching. * Wipe the device; setup and re-obtain the device... */ memset(dev,0,sizeof(*dev)); error = NET_EMBEMB(rtems_,NETDRIVER_PREFIX,_pci_setup)(-1); /* re-obtain the device */ dev = net_dev_get(config); if ( !dev ) { printk("Unable to re-assign device structure???\n"); return 1; } if (error <= 0) { device_printf(dev,NETDRIVER" FAILED; unable to attach interface, sorry\n"); return 1; } device_printf(dev,"success\n"); #else device_printf(dev,NETDRIVER" unit not configured; use 'rtems_"NETDRIVER"_setup()'\n"); return 1; #endif } if ( !net_driver_ticks_per_sec ) rtems_clock_get( RTEMS_CLOCK_GET_TICKS_PER_SECOND, &net_driver_ticks_per_sec ); sc = device_get_softc( dev ); ifp = &sc->arpcom.ac_if; #ifdef DEBUG_MODULAR if (!METHODSPTR) { device_printf(dev,NETDRIVER": method pointer not set\n"); return -1; } #endif if ( attaching ) { if ( ifp->if_init ) { device_printf(dev,NETDRIVER" Driver already attached.\n"); return -1; } if ( config->hardware_address ) { /* use configured MAC address */ memcpy(sc->arpcom.ac_enaddr, config->hardware_address, ETHER_ADDR_LEN); } else { #ifdef NET_READ_MAC_ADDR NET_READ_MAC_ADDR(sc); #endif } if ( METHODSPTR->n_attach(dev) ) { device_printf(dev,NETDRIVER"_attach() failed\n"); return -1; } } else { if ( !ifp->if_init ) { device_printf(dev,NETDRIVER" Driver not attached.\n"); return -1; } if ( METHODSPTR->n_detach ) { if ( METHODSPTR->n_detach(dev) ) { device_printf(dev,NETDRIVER"_detach() failed\n"); return -1; } } else { device_printf(dev,NETDRIVER"_detach() not implemented\n"); return -1; } } if ( !sc->tid ) sc->tid = rtems_bsdnet_newproc(NETDRIVER"d", 4096, net_daemon, sc); if (attaching) { #ifdef DEBUG printf("Installing IRQ # %i\n",sc->irq_no); #endif #ifdef HAVE_LIBBSPEXT if ( bspExtInstallSharedISR(sc->irq_no, the_net_isr, sc, 0) ) #else /* BSP dependent :-( */ irq_data.name = sc->irq_no; #if ISMINVERSION(4,6,99) irq_data.handle = (rtems_irq_hdl_param)sc; #else thesc = sc; #endif if ( ! BSP_install_rtems_irq_handler( &irq_data ) ) #endif { fprintf(stderr,NETDRIVER": unable to install ISR\n"); error = -1; } } else { if ( sc->irq_no ) { #ifdef DEBUG printf("Removing IRQ # %i\n",sc->irq_no); #endif #ifdef HAVE_LIBBSPEXT if (bspExtRemoveSharedISR(sc->irq_no, the_net_isr, sc)) #else /* BSP dependent :-( */ irq_data.name = sc->irq_no; #if ISMINVERSION(4,6,99) irq_data.handle = (rtems_irq_hdl_param)sc; #endif if ( ! BSP_remove_rtems_irq_handler( &irq_data ) ) #endif { fprintf(stderr,NETDRIVER": unable to uninstall ISR\n"); error = -1; } } } return error; } static void the_net_isr( #ifdef HAVE_LIBBSPEXT void *thesc #elif ISMINVERSION(4,6,99) rtems_irq_hdl_param thesc #endif ) { struct NET_SOFTC *sc = thesc; /* disable interrupts */ NET_DISABLE_IRQS(sc); rtems_event_send( sc->tid, EX_EVENT ); } static void net_daemon(void *arg) { struct NET_SOFTC *sc = arg; rtems_event_set evs; for (;;) { rtems_bsdnet_event_receive( EX_EVENT, RTEMS_WAIT | RTEMS_EVENT_ANY, RTEMS_NO_TIMEOUT, &evs); METHODSPTR->n_intr(sc); /* re-enable interrupts */ NET_ENABLE_IRQS(sc); } } static struct NET_SOFTC * net_drv_check_unit(int unit) { unit--; if ( unit < 0 || unit >= NETDRIVER_SLOTS ) { fprintf(stderr,"Invalid unit # %i (not in %i..%i)\n", unit+1, 1, NETDRIVER_SLOTS); return 0; } if ( THEDEVS[unit].d_name ) { fprintf(stderr,"Unit %i already set up\n", unit+1); return 0; } memset( &THEDEVS[unit], 0, sizeof(THEDEVS[0]) ); return &THEDEVS[unit].d_softc; } struct rtems_bsdnet_ifconfig NET_EMBEMB(NETDRIVER_PREFIX,_dbg,_config) = { NETDRIVER"1", NET_EMBEMB(rtems_,NETDRIVER_PREFIX,_attach), 0 }; #ifdef DEBUG void NET_EMBEMB(rtems_,NETDRIVER_PREFIX,_bringup)(char *ipaddr) { short flags; struct sockaddr_in addr; char *mask; if (!ipaddr) { printf("Need an ip[/mask] argument (dot notation)\n"); return; } ipaddr = strdup(ipaddr); if ( (mask = strchr(ipaddr,'/')) ) { *mask++=0; } else { mask = ""; } #if defined(NETDRIVER_PCI) /* this fails if already setup */ NET_EMBEMB(rtems_,NETDRIVER_PREFIX,_pci_setup)(-1); #endif rtems_bsdnet_attach(&NET_EMBEMB(NETDRIVER_PREFIX,_dbg,_config)); flags = IFF_UP /*| IFF_PROMISC*/; if ( rtems_bsdnet_ifconfig(NETDRIVER"1",SIOCSIFFLAGS,&flags) < 0 ) { printf("Can't bring '"NETDRIVER"1' up\n"); goto cleanup; } memset(&addr,0,sizeof(addr)); addr.sin_len = sizeof(addr); addr.sin_family = AF_INET; addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(mask); if ( rtems_bsdnet_ifconfig(NETDRIVER"1",SIOCSIFNETMASK,&addr) < 0 ) { printf("Unable to set netmask on '"NETDRIVER"1'\n"); goto cleanup; } addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(ipaddr); if ( rtems_bsdnet_ifconfig(NETDRIVER"1",SIOCSIFADDR,&addr) < 0 ) { printf("Unable to set address on '"NETDRIVER"1'\n"); goto cleanup; } cleanup: the_real_free (ipaddr); } int NET_EMBEMB(rtems_,NETDRIVER_PREFIX,_bringdown)() { short flags; flags = 0; if ( rtems_bsdnet_ifconfig(NETDRIVER"1",SIOCSIFFLAGS,&flags) < 0 ) { printf("Can't bring '"NETDRIVER"1' down\n"); return -1; } rtems_bsdnet_detach(&NET_EMBEMB(NETDRIVER_PREFIX,_dbg,_config)); return 0; } #endif #if defined(NETDRIVER_PCI) && !defined(NETDRIVER_OWN_SETUP) /* Public setup routine for PCI devices; * TODO: currently doesn't work for subsystem vendor/id , i.e. * devices behind a standard PCI interface... * passing 'inst' > only sets-up the 'inst'th card; passing * 'inst' == 0 sets-up all matching cards. */ int NET_EMBEMB(rtems_,NETDRIVER_PREFIX,_pci_setup)(int inst) { unsigned b,d,f,i,isio,unit; rtemscompat_32_t base; unsigned short cmd,id; unsigned char h; struct NET_SOFTC *sc; unsigned try[] = { PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_0, PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_1, 0 }; #ifdef DEBUG_MODULAR if ( !METHODSPTR ) { fprintf(stderr,NETDRIVER": Methods pointer not set\n"); return -1; } #endif /* 0 can be reached when looking for the desired instance */ if ( 0 == inst ) inst = -1; #ifdef HAVE_LIBBSPEXT /* make sure it's initialized */ bspExtInit(); #endif /* scan PCI for supported devices */ for ( b=0, sc=0, unit=0; bb = b; sc->d = d; sc->f = f; for ( i=0, base=0, isio=0; try[i]; i++ ) { pci_read_config_dword(b,d,f,try[i],&base); if ( base ) { if ( (isio = (PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_SPACE_IO == (base & PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_SPACE )) ) ) { #ifdef NET_CHIP_PORT_IO base &= PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_IO_MASK; sc->NET_SOFTC_BHANDLE_FIELD = PCI_IO_2LOCAL(base,b); #ifdef DEBUG printf("Found PCI I/O Base 0x%08x\n", (unsigned)base); #endif #else base = 0; continue; #endif } else { #ifdef NET_CHIP_MEM_IO base &= PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_MEM_MASK; sc->NET_SOFTC_BHANDLE_FIELD = PCI2LOCAL(base,b); #ifdef DEBUG printf("Found PCI MEM Base 0x%08x\n", (unsigned)base); #endif #else base = 0; continue; #endif } break; } } if ( !base ) { #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, NETDRIVER": (warning) Neither PCI base address 0 nor 1 are configured; skipping bus %i, slot %i, fn %i...\n",b,d,f); #endif continue; } if ( 0 == METHODSPTR->n_probe(&THEDEVS[unit]) && (inst < 0 || !--inst) ) { pci_read_config_word(b,d,f,PCI_COMMAND,&cmd); pci_write_config_word(b,d,f,PCI_COMMAND, cmd | (isio ? PCI_COMMAND_IO : PCI_COMMAND_MEMORY) | PCI_COMMAND_MASTER ); pci_read_config_byte(b,d,f,PCI_INTERRUPT_LINE,&sc->irq_no); printf(NETDRIVER": card found @PCI[%s] 0x%08x (local 0x%08x), IRQ %i\n", (isio ? "io" : "mem"), (unsigned)base, sc->NET_SOFTC_BHANDLE_FIELD, sc->irq_no); sc = 0; /* need to allocate a new slot */ unit++; if ( 0 == inst ) { /* found desired instance */ goto terminated; } } } } } terminated: return unit; } #else /* simple skeleton int NET_EMBEMB(rtems_,NETDRIVER_PREFIX,_setup)( int unit, void *base_addr, int irq_no) { struct NET_SOFTC *sc; if ( !(sc=net_drv_check_unit(unit)) ) { fprintf(stderr,"Bad unit number -- (not enought driver slots?)\n"); return 0; } sc->NET_SOFTC_BHANDLE_FIELD = base_addr; if ( 0 == METHODSPTR->n_probe(&THEDEVS[unit-1]) ) { sc->irq_no = irq_no; printf(NETDRIVER": Unit %i set up\n", unit); return unit; } return 0; } */ #endif