-- -- $Id$ -- with Interfaces.C; use Interfaces.C; with Interfaces.C.Strings; use Interfaces.C.Strings; with Interfaces.C.Pointers; package RTEMS_Shell is type Argument_Array is array (ptrdiff_t range <>) of aliased chars_ptr; package Argument_Vector_Package is new Pointers (Index => ptrdiff_t, Element => chars_ptr, Element_Array => Argument_Array, Default_Terminator => Null_Ptr); subtype Argument_Count_Type is ptrdiff_t; subtype Argument_Vector_Type is Argument_Vector_Package.Pointer; type Command_Function_Type is access function (ArgC : Argument_Count_Type; ArgV : Argument_Vector_Type) return int; pragma Convention (C, Command_Function_Type); procedure RTEMS_Shell_Add_Command(Name : chars_ptr; Category : chars_ptr; Help : chars_ptr; Command_Function : Command_Function_Type); pragma Import (C, RTEMS_Shell_Add_Command, "rtems_shell_add_cmd"); type Prompt_Function_Type is access function return chars_ptr; pragma Convention (C, Prompt_Function_Type); procedure Set_RTEMS_Shell_Prompt_Function( Prompt_Function : Prompt_Function_Type); pragma Import (C, Set_RTEMS_Shell_Prompt_Function, "set_prompt_function"); procedure Invoke_RTEMS_Shell; pragma Import (C, Invoke_RTEMS_Shell, "invoke_rtems_shell"); procedure Initialize_Telnet_Daemon; pragma Import (C, Initialize_Telnet_Daemon, "init_telnet_daemon"); end RTEMS_Shell;