Board: GumStix Connex PXA255 RTEMS BSP: gumstix Flash: + Fetch a connex U-Boot Flash image dd of=connext-flash.img bs=128k count=128 if=/dev/zero dd of=connext-flash.img bs=128k conv=notrunc if=UBOOT-FLASH-IMAGE dd of=connext-flash.img bs=128k conv=notrunc if=UBOOT-FLASH-IMAGE + We would like to do more preprocessing but for now, just copy the UBOOT-FLASH-IMAGE to ${HOME}/qemu. The one in this directory works fine. + This flash is configured to boot GNU/Linux. There is no kernel in this flash image and we want it to autoboot an RTEMS application. So by hand, we we would LIKE TO BE ABLE TO boot it, reconfigure the bootcmd. BUT THIS DOES NOT WORK!!! GUM> setenv bootcmd = bootelf 0x400000 GUM> saveenv Saving Environment to Flash... ... + Then exit and the flash.img is modified. So we rebuild the flash image booted each time