SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0 OR BSD-2-Clause copyrights: - Copyright (C) 2023 embedded brains GmbH & Co. KG enabled-by: true links: [] test-actions: - action-brief: | Submit an ISR request during system initialization. Check the stack of the interrupted context while the ISR request is serviced. Store the result of the check in interrupted_stack_at_multitasking_start_is_valid. action-code: | /* * The actions are performed during system initialization and the * multitasking start. */ checks: - brief: | Check that stack of the interrupted context was valid when an interrupt was serviced during the multitasking start. code: | T_true( interrupted_stack_at_multitasking_start_is_valid ); links: - role: validation uid: ../req/stack-at-start-multitasking-heir - role: validation uid: ../req/stack-at-start-multitasking-per-cpu links: [] test-brief: | Tests general interrupt support behaviour. test-context: [] test-context-support: null test-description: null test-header: null test-includes: - rtems.h - rtems/sysinit.h - rtems/score/thread.h - rtems/score/percpu.h test-local-includes: - tx-support.h test-setup: null test-stop: null test-support: | static uintptr_t interrupted_stack_at_multitasking_start; static bool interrupted_stack_at_multitasking_start_is_valid; #if defined(__aarch64__) void __real_bsp_interrupt_dispatch( void ); void __wrap_bsp_interrupt_dispatch( void ); void __wrap_bsp_interrupt_dispatch( void ) { if ( interrupted_stack_at_multitasking_start == 0 ) { uintptr_t sp; rtems_interrupt_level level; rtems_interrupt_local_disable( level ); __asm__ volatile ( "msr spsel, #1\n" "mov %0, sp\n" "msr spsel, #0" : "=r" ( sp ) ); rtems_interrupt_local_enable( level ); interrupted_stack_at_multitasking_start = sp; } __real_bsp_interrupt_dispatch(); } #endif #if defined(ARM_MULTILIB_ARCH_V4) void __real_bsp_interrupt_dispatch( void ); void __wrap_bsp_interrupt_dispatch( void ); void __wrap_bsp_interrupt_dispatch( void ) { register uintptr_t sp __asm__( "9" ); if ( interrupted_stack_at_multitasking_start == 0 ) { interrupted_stack_at_multitasking_start = sp; } __real_bsp_interrupt_dispatch(); } #endif #if defined(__microblaze__) void __real_bsp_interrupt_dispatch( uint32_t source ); void __wrap_bsp_interrupt_dispatch( uint32_t source ); void __wrap_bsp_interrupt_dispatch( uint32_t source ) { register uintptr_t sp __asm__( "1" ); if ( interrupted_stack_at_multitasking_start == 0 ) { interrupted_stack_at_multitasking_start = sp; } __real_bsp_interrupt_dispatch( source ); } #endif #if defined(__PPC__) || defined(__powerpc64__) void __real_bsp_interrupt_dispatch( void ); void __wrap_bsp_interrupt_dispatch( void ); void __wrap_bsp_interrupt_dispatch( void ) { register uintptr_t sp __asm__( "14" ); if ( interrupted_stack_at_multitasking_start == 0 ) { interrupted_stack_at_multitasking_start = sp; } __real_bsp_interrupt_dispatch(); } #endif #if defined(__riscv) void __real__RISCV_Interrupt_dispatch( uintptr_t mcause, Per_CPU_Control *cpu_self ); void __wrap__RISCV_Interrupt_dispatch( uintptr_t mcause, Per_CPU_Control *cpu_self ); void __wrap__RISCV_Interrupt_dispatch( uintptr_t mcause, Per_CPU_Control *cpu_self ) { register uintptr_t sp __asm__( "s1" ); if ( interrupted_stack_at_multitasking_start == 0 ) { interrupted_stack_at_multitasking_start = sp; } __real__RISCV_Interrupt_dispatch( mcause, cpu_self ); } #endif #if defined(__sparc__) void __real__SPARC_Interrupt_dispatch( uint32_t irq ); static RTEMS_USED void InterruptDispatch( uint32_t irq, uintptr_t sp ) { if ( interrupted_stack_at_multitasking_start == 0 ) { interrupted_stack_at_multitasking_start = sp; } __real__SPARC_Interrupt_dispatch( irq ); } __asm__ ( "\t.section\t\".text\"\n" "\t.align\t4\n" "\t.globl\t__wrap__SPARC_Interrupt_dispatch\n" "\t.type\t__wrap__SPARC_Interrupt_dispatch, #function\n" "__wrap__SPARC_Interrupt_dispatch:\n" "\tmov\t%fp, %o1\n" "\tor\t%o7, %g0, %g1\n" "\tcall\tInterruptDispatch, 0\n" "\t or\t%g1, %g0, %o7\n" "\t.previous\n" ); #endif static void ISRHandler( void *arg ) { uintptr_t begin; uintptr_t end; (void) arg; #if defined(RTEMS_SMP) && !(defined(__PPC__) || (__powerpc64__)) Per_CPU_Control *cpu_self; cpu_self = _Per_CPU_Get(); begin = (uintptr_t) &cpu_self->Interrupt_frame; end = begin + sizeof( cpu_self->Interrupt_frame ); #else Thread_Control *executing; executing = GetExecuting(); begin = (uintptr_t) executing->Start.Initial_stack.area; end = begin + executing->Start.Initial_stack.size; #endif interrupted_stack_at_multitasking_start_is_valid = ( begin <= interrupted_stack_at_multitasking_start && interrupted_stack_at_multitasking_start < end ); } static CallWithinISRRequest isr_request = { .handler = ISRHandler }; static void SubmitISRRequest( void ) { CallWithinISRSubmit( &isr_request ); } RTEMS_SYSINIT_ITEM( SubmitISRRequest, RTEMS_SYSINIT_DEVICE_DRIVERS, RTEMS_SYSINIT_ORDER_LAST ); test-target: testsuites/validation/tc-score-isr.c test-teardown: null type: test-case