# # RTEMS Documentation Project # # Waf build support. # from __future__ import print_function import os import re import sys from waflib.Build import BuildContext import latex import conf # If you do not want to check for a maximum version, set it to None. sphinx_min_version = (1, 3) sphinx_max_version = None def version_cmdline(ctx): return '-Drelease="%s" -Dversion="%s" -Drtems_major="%s" ' \ '-Drtems_minor="%s" -D rtems_revision="%s"' \ % (ctx.env.RELEASE, ctx.env.VERSION, ctx.env.RTEMS_MAJOR, ctx.env.RTEMS_MINOR, ctx.env.RTEMS_REVISION) def sphinx_cmdline(ctx, build_type, conf_dir, doctrees, source_dir, output_dir, configs = []): cfgs = '' for c in configs: cfgs += ' -D %s=%s' % (c, configs[c]) rule = "${BIN_SPHINX_BUILD} %s -b %s -c %s %s -d %s %s %s %s ${SRC}" % \ (sphinx_options(ctx), build_type, conf_dir, version_cmdline(ctx), doctrees, cfgs, source_dir, output_dir) return rule def cmd_spell(ctx): from waflib import Options from sys import argv from subprocess import call Options.commands = None # stop warnings about knowing commands. if not ctx.env.BIN_ASPELL: ctx.fatal("'aspell' is required please install and re-run configure.") if len(argv) < 3: ctx.fatal("Please supply at least one file name") files = argv[2:] path = ctx.path.parent.abspath() # XXX: add error checking eg check if file exists. for file in files: cmd = ctx.env.BIN_ASPELL + \ ["-c", "--personal=%s/common/spell/dict/rtems" % path, "--extra-dicts=%s/common/spell/en_GB-ise-w_accents.multi" % path, file] print("running:", cmd) call(cmd) def cmd_linkcheck(ctx): conf_dir = ctx.path.get_src() source_dir = ctx.path.get_src() buildtype = 'linkcheck' build_dir, output_node, output_dir, doctrees = build_dir_setup(ctx, buildtype) rule = sphinx_cmdline(ctx, buildtype, conf_dir, doctrees, source_dir, output_dir) ctx( rule = rule, cwd = ctx.path.abspath(), source = ctx.path.ant_glob('**/*.rst'), target = "linkcheck/output.txt" ) class spell(BuildContext): __doc__ = "Check spelling. Supply a list of files or a glob (*.rst)" cmd = 'spell' fun = 'cmd_spell' class linkcheck(BuildContext): __doc__ = "Check all external URL references." cmd = 'linkcheck' fun = 'cmd_linkcheck' def check_sphinx_version(ctx, minver, maxver): try: import sphinx except: ctx.fatal('no sphinx support found; please install') try: # sphinx.version_info was introduced in sphinx ver 1.2 version = sphinx.version_info # version looks like (1, 7, 0, 'final', 0)) ver = version[0:2] except: try: # sphinx-build returns its version info in stderr (out, err) = ctx.cmd_and_log(ctx.env.BIN_SPHINX_BUILD + ['--version'], output=Context.BOTH) # err looks like 'sphinx-build 1.7.0\n' version = err.split(" ")[-1:][0].strip() ver = tuple(map(int, re.split('[\D]', version))) except: try: # sphinx-build returns its version info in stdout version = ctx.cmd_and_log(ctx.env.BIN_SPHINX_BUILD + ['--version']).split(" ")[-1:][0].strip() try: ver = tuple(map(int, re.split('[\D]', version))) except: ctx.fatal("Sphinx version cannot be checked or Sphinx is not installed") except: ctx.fatal("Sphinx version cannot be checked or Sphinx is not installed") if ver < minver: ctx.fatal("Sphinx version is too old: %s" % ".".join(map(str, ver))) if maxver is not None: if ver > maxver: ctx.fatal("Sphinx version is too new: %s" % ".".join(map(str, ver))) return ver def sphinx_options(ctx): return ' '.join(ctx.env.SPHINX_OPTIONS) def is_top_build(ctx): from_top = False if ctx.env['BUILD_FROM_TOP'] and ctx.env['BUILD_FROM_TOP'] == 'yes': from_top = True return from_top def build_dir_setup(ctx, buildtype): where = buildtype if is_top_build(ctx): where = os.path.join(ctx.path.name, where) bnode = ctx.bldnode.find_node(where) if bnode is None: ctx.bldnode.make_node(where).mkdir() build_dir = ctx.path.get_bld().relpath() output_node = ctx.path.get_bld().make_node(buildtype) output_dir = output_node.abspath() doctrees = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(output_dir), 'doctrees', buildtype) return build_dir, output_node, output_dir, doctrees def pdf_resources(ctx, buildtype): packages_base = ctx.path.parent.find_dir('common/latex') if packages_base is None: ctx.fatal('Latex package directory not found') base = packages_base.path_from(ctx.path) fnode = ctx.path.get_bld().make_node(buildtype) fnode.mkdir() local_packages = latex.local_packages() targets = [] if local_packages is not None: srcs = [os.path.join(base, p) for p in local_packages] targets += [fnode.make_node(p) for p in local_packages] ctx(features = "subst", is_copy = True, source = srcs, target = targets) targets += [fnode.make_node('rtemsextrafonts.sty')] ctx(features = "subst", is_copy = True, source = os.path.join(base, ctx.env.RTEMSEXTRAFONTS), target = fnode.make_node('rtemsextrafonts.sty')) return targets def html_resources(ctx, buildtype): resources = [] for dir_name in ["_static", "_templates"]: files = ctx.path.parent.find_node("common").ant_glob("%s/*" % dir_name) fnode = ctx.path.get_bld().make_node(os.path.join(buildtype, dir_name)) targets = [fnode.make_node(x.name) for x in files] resources += targets fnode.mkdir() # dirs ctx(features = "subst", is_copy = True, source = files, target = targets) ctx.add_group() return resources def check_sphinx_extension(ctx, extension): def run_sphinx(bld): rst_node = bld.srcnode.make_node('testbuild/contents.rst') rst_node.parent.mkdir() rst_node.write('.. COMMENT test sphinx' + os.linesep) bib_node = bld.srcnode.make_node('testbuild/refs.bib') bib_node.write(os.linesep) conf_node = bld.srcnode.make_node('testbuild/conf.py') conf_node.write(os.linesep.join(["master_doc='contents'", "bibtex_bibfiles = ['refs.bib']"])) bld(rule = bld.kw['rule'], source = rst_node) ctx.start_msg("Checking for '%s'" % (extension)) try: ctx.run_build(fragment = 'xx', rule = "${BIN_SPHINX_BUILD} -b html -D extensions=%s -c . . out" % (extension), build_fun = run_sphinx, env = ctx.env) except ctx.errors.ConfigurationError: ctx.end_msg('not found (see README.txt)', 'RED') ctx.fatal('The configuration failed') ctx.end_msg('found') def cmd_configure(ctx): check_sphinx = not ctx.env.BIN_SPHINX_BUILD if check_sphinx: ctx.find_program("sphinx-build", var="BIN_SPHINX_BUILD", mandatory = True) ctx.find_program("aspell", var = "BIN_ASPELL", mandatory = False) if sphinx_max_version is None: ctx.start_msg("Checking if Sphinx is at least %s.%s" % sphinx_min_version) else: ctx.start_msg("Checking if Sphinx is between %s.%s and %s.%s" % (sphinx_min_version + sphinx_max_version)) ver = check_sphinx_version(ctx, sphinx_min_version, sphinx_max_version) ctx.end_msg("yes (%s)" % ".".join(map(str, ver))) ctx.start_msg("Checking Sphinx Options ") if 'SPHINX_OPTIONS' not in ctx.env: ctx.env.append_value('SPHINX_OPTIONS', ctx.options.sphinx_options) opts = sphinx_options(ctx) if len(opts) == 0: opts = 'none' ctx.end_msg(opts) ctx.start_msg("Checking Sphinx Nit-Pick mode ") if ctx.options.sphinx_nit_pick: opt = '-n' msg = 'yes' else: opt = '-Q' msg = 'no' ctx.env.append_value('SPHINX_OPTIONS', opt) ctx.end_msg(msg) # # Check extensions. # check_sphinx_extension(ctx, 'sphinx.ext.autodoc') check_sphinx_extension(ctx, 'sphinx.ext.coverage') check_sphinx_extension(ctx, 'sphinx.ext.doctest') check_sphinx_extension(ctx, 'sphinx.ext.graphviz') check_sphinx_extension(ctx, 'sphinx.ext.intersphinx') check_sphinx_extension(ctx, 'sphinx.ext.mathjax') check_sphinx_extension(ctx, 'sphinxcontrib.bibtex') # # Optional builds. # ctx.env.BUILD_PDF = 'no' if ctx.options.pdf: if conf.latex_engine == 'xelatex': if not ctx.env.LATEX_CMD: ctx.load('tex') if not ctx.env.XELATEX or not ctx.env.MAKEINDEX: ctx.fatal('The programs xelatex and makeindex are required for PDF output') ctx.env.LATEX_CMD = 'xelatex' latex.configure_tests(ctx) # Minted needs 'shell-escape' if 'XELATEXFLAGS' not in ctx.env or \ '-shell-escape' not in ctx.env['XELATEXFLAGS']: ctx.env.append_value('XELATEXFLAGS', '-shell-escape') ctx.env.append_value('MAKEINDEXFLAGS', ['-s', 'python.ist']) elif conf.latex_engine == 'pdflatex': if not ctx.env.LATEX_CMD: ctx.load('tex') if not ctx.env.PDFLATEX or not ctx.env.MAKEINDEX: ctx.fatal('The programs pdflatex and makeindex are required for PDF output') if 'PDFLATEXFLAGS' not in ctx.env or \ '-shell-escape' not in ctx.env['PDFLATEXFLAGS']: ctx.env.append_value('PDFLATEXFLAGS', '-shell-escape') ctx.env.append_value('MAKEINDEXFLAGS', ['-s', 'python.ist']) ctx.env.LATEX_CMD = 'pdflatex' latex.configure_tests(ctx) else: ctx.fatal('Unsupported latex engine: %s' % (conf.latex_engine)) ctx.env.BUILD_PDF = 'yes' ctx.env.BUILD_SINGLEHTML = 'no' if ctx.options.singlehtml: check_inliner = not ctx.env.BIN_INLINER if check_inliner: ctx.find_program("inliner", var = "BIN_INLINER", mandatory = False) if not ctx.env.BIN_INLINER: ctx.fatal("Node.js inliner is required install with 'npm install -g inliner' " + "(https://github.com/remy/inliner)") ctx.env.BUILD_SINGLEHTML = 'yes' ctx.env.BUILD_PLANTUML = 'no' if ctx.options.plantuml: check_plantuml = not ctx.env.BIN_PUML if check_plantuml: ctx.find_program("puml", var = "BIN_PUML", mandatory = False) if not ctx.env.BIN_PUML: ctx.fatal("Node.js puml is required install with 'npm install -g node-plantuml' " + "(https://www.npmjs.com/package/node-plantuml)") ctx.env.BUILD_PLANTUML = 'yes' ctx.env.BUILD_DITAA = 'no' if ctx.options.ditaa: # # We use DITAA via PlantUML # if not ctx.env.BIN_PUML: ctx.find_program("puml", var = "BIN_PUML", mandatory = False) if not ctx.env.BIN_PUML: ctx.fatal("DITAA uses PlantUML; " + "Node.js puml is required install with 'npm install -g node-plantuml' " + "(https://www.npmjs.com/package/node-plantuml)") check_ditaa = not ctx.env.BIN_DITAA if check_ditaa: ctx.find_program("ditaa", var = "BIN_DITAA", mandatory = False) if not ctx.env.BIN_DITAA: ctx.fatal("DITAA not found, plase install") ctx.env.BUILD_DITAA = 'yes' def sources_exclude(ctx, sources): exclude = sources.get('exclude', []) if len(exclude) == 0: return exclude return [ctx.path.find_node(e) for e in exclude] def sources_extra(ctx, sources): extra = sources.get('extra', []) if len(extra) == 0: extra = [ctx.path.find_node(e) for e in extra] return [e for e in extra if e not in sources_exclude(ctx, sources)] def sources_source(ctx, sources): extra = sources_extra(ctx, sources) exclude = sources_exclude(ctx, sources) source = ctx.path.ant_glob('**/*.rst') return [s for s in source if s not in exclude] + extra def doc_pdf(ctx, source_dir, conf_dir, sources): buildtype = 'latex' build_dir, output_node, output_dir, doctrees = build_dir_setup(ctx, buildtype) resources = pdf_resources(ctx, buildtype) rule = sphinx_cmdline(ctx, buildtype, conf_dir, doctrees, source_dir, output_dir) ctx( rule = rule, cwd = ctx.path, source = sources_source(ctx, sources), depends_on = sources_extra(ctx, sources), target = ctx.path.find_or_declare("%s/%s.tex" % (buildtype, ctx.path.name)) ) env_latex = ctx.env.derive() env_latex.TEXINPUTS = output_dir + ':' ctx( features = 'tex', cwd = output_dir, type = ctx.env.LATEX_CMD, source = "%s/%s.tex" % (buildtype, ctx.path.name), prompt = 0, env = env_latex ) ctx.install_files('${PREFIX}', '%s/%s.pdf' % (buildtype, ctx.path.name), cwd = output_node, quiet = True) def doc_singlehtml(ctx, source_dir, conf_dir, sources): # # Use a run command to handle stdout and stderr output from inliner. Using # a standard rule in the build context locks up. # def run(task): src = task.inputs[0].abspath() tgt = task.outputs[0].abspath() cmd = '%s %s' % (task.env.BIN_INLINER[0], src) so = open(tgt, 'w') se = open(tgt + '.err', 'w') r = task.exec_command(cmd, stdout = so, stderr = se) so.close() se.close() # # The inliner does not handle internal href's correctly and places the # input's file name in the href. Strip these. # if sys.version_info[0] < 3: with open(tgt, 'r') as i: before = i.read() else: with open(tgt, 'r', encoding = 'ascii', errors = 'surrogateescape') as i: before = i.read() i.close() after = before.replace('index.html', '') if sys.version_info[0] < 3: with open(tgt, 'w') as o: o.write(after) else: with open(tgt, 'w', encoding = 'ascii', errors = 'surrogateescape') as o: o.write(after) o.close() return r buildtype = 'singlehtml' build_dir, output_node, output_dir, doctrees = build_dir_setup(ctx, buildtype) resources = html_resources(ctx, buildtype) rule = sphinx_cmdline(ctx, buildtype, conf_dir, doctrees, source_dir, output_dir) ctx( rule = rule, cwd = ctx.path, source = sources_source(ctx, sources), depends_on = resources, target = ctx.path.find_or_declare("%s/index.html" % (buildtype)), install_path = None ) ctx( rule = run, inliner = ctx.env.BIN_INLINER, source = "%s/index.html" % buildtype, target = "%s/%s.html" % (buildtype, ctx.path.name), install_path = '${PREFIX}' ) def doc_html(ctx, source_dir, conf_dir, sources): buildtype = 'html' build_dir, output_node, output_dir, doctrees = build_dir_setup(ctx, buildtype) resources = html_resources(ctx, buildtype) templates = os.path.join(str(ctx.path.get_bld()), buildtype, '_templates') configs = { 'templates_path': templates } rule = sphinx_cmdline(ctx, buildtype, conf_dir, doctrees, source_dir, output_dir, configs) ctx( rule = rule, cwd = ctx.path, source = sources_source(ctx, sources), depends_on = resources, target = ctx.path.find_or_declare('%s/index.html' % buildtype), install_path = None ) ctx.install_files('${PREFIX}/%s' % (ctx.path.name), output_node.ant_glob('**/*', quiet = True), cwd = output_node, relative_trick = True, quiet = True) def images_plantuml(ctx, source_dir, conf_dir, ext): # # Use a run command to handle stdout and stderr output from puml. # def run(task): src = task.inputs[0].abspath() tgt = task.outputs[0].abspath() cmd = '%s generate %s -o %s' % (task.env.BIN_PUML[0], src, tgt) so = open(tgt + '.out', 'w') r = task.exec_command(cmd, stdout = so, stderr = so) so.close() return r for src in ctx.path.ant_glob('**/*' + ext): tgt = src.change_ext('.png') ctx( rule = run, inliner = ctx.env.BIN_PUML, source = src, target = tgt, install_path = None ) def cmd_build(ctx, sources = {}): conf_dir = ctx.path.get_src() source_dir = ctx.path.get_src() if ctx.env.BUILD_PDF == 'yes': doc_pdf(ctx, source_dir, conf_dir, sources) if ctx.env.BUILD_SINGLEHTML == 'yes': doc_singlehtml(ctx, source_dir, conf_dir, sources) doc_html(ctx, source_dir, conf_dir, sources) def cmd_build_images(ctx): conf_dir = ctx.path.get_src() source_dir = ctx.path.get_src() if ctx.env.BUILD_PLANTUML == 'yes': images_plantuml(ctx, source_dir, conf_dir, '.puml') if ctx.env.BUILD_DITAA == 'yes': images_plantuml(ctx, source_dir, conf_dir, '.ditaa') def cmd_options(ctx): ctx.add_option('--disable-extra-fonts', action = 'store_true', default = False, help = "Disable building with extra fonts for better quality (lower quality).") ctx.add_option('--sphinx-options', action = 'store', default = "", help = "Additional Sphinx options.") ctx.add_option('--sphinx-nit-pick', action = 'store_true', default = False, help = "Enable Sphinx nit-picky mode else be quiet") ctx.add_option('--pdf', action = 'store_true', default = False, help = "Build PDF.") ctx.add_option('--singlehtml', action = 'store_true', default = False, help = "Build Single HTML file, requires Node Inliner") ctx.add_option('--plantuml', action = 'store_true', default = False, help = "Build PlantUML images from source, need puml from npm") ctx.add_option('--ditaa', action = 'store_true', default = False, help = "Build DITAA images using PlantUML from source, need ditaa and puml") def cmd_options_path(ctx): cmd_options(ctx) ctx.add_option('--rtems-path-py', type = 'string', help = "Full path to py/ in RTEMS source repository.") def cmd_configure_path(ctx): if not ctx.options.rtems_path_py: ctx.fatal("--rtems-path-py is required") ctx.env.RTEMS_PATH = ctx.options.rtems_path_py cmd_configure(ctx) def xml_catalogue(ctx, building): # # The following is a hack to find the top_dir because the task does # provided a reference to top_dir like a build context. # top_dir = ctx.get_cwd().find_node('..') # # Read the conf.py files in each directory to gather the doc details. # catalogue = {} sp = sys.path[:] for doc in building: # # Import using the imp API so the module is reloaded for us. # import imp sys.path = [top_dir.find_node(doc).abspath()] mf = imp.find_module('conf') sys.path = sp[:] try: bconf = imp.load_module('bconf', mf[0], mf[1], mf[2]) finally: mf[0].close() catalogue[doc] = { 'title': bconf.project, 'version': str(ctx.env.VERSION), 'release': str(ctx.env.VERSION), 'pdf': bconf.latex_documents[0][1].replace('.tex', '.pdf'), 'html': '%s/index.html' % (doc), 'singlehtml': '%s.html' % (doc) } bconf = None import xml.dom.minidom as xml cat = xml.Document() root = cat.createElement('rtems-docs') root.setAttribute('date', ctx.env.DATE) cat.appendChild(root) heading = cat.createElement('catalogue') text = cat.createTextNode(str(ctx.env.VERSION)) heading.appendChild(text) root.appendChild(heading) builds = ['html'] if ctx.env.BUILD_PDF == 'yes': builds += ['pdf'] if ctx.env.BUILD_SINGLEHTML == 'yes': builds += ['singlehtml'] for d in building: doc = cat.createElement('doc') name = cat.createElement('name') text = cat.createTextNode(d) name.appendChild(text) title = cat.createElement('title') text = cat.createTextNode(catalogue[d]['title']) title.appendChild(text) release = cat.createElement('release') text = cat.createTextNode(catalogue[d]['release']) release.appendChild(text) version = cat.createElement('version') text = cat.createTextNode(catalogue[d]['version']) version.appendChild(text) doc.appendChild(name) doc.appendChild(title) doc.appendChild(release) doc.appendChild(version) for b in builds: output = cat.createElement(b) text = cat.createTextNode(catalogue[d][b]) output.appendChild(text) doc.appendChild(output) root.appendChild(doc) catnode = ctx.get_cwd().make_node('catalogue.xml') catnode.write(cat.toprettyxml(indent = ' ' * 2, newl = os.linesep)) cat.unlink()