# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause """ This module provides the basic support to build a QDP. """ # Copyright (C) 2021 EDISOFT (https://www.edisoft.pt/) # Copyright (C) 2020, 2023 embedded brains GmbH & Co. KG # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import copy import itertools import logging import re from typing import Any, Dict, Iterator, List, Optional, Tuple, Type from rtemsspec.items import data_digest, Item, ItemCache, \ ItemGetValueContext, ItemGetValue, ItemMapper, is_enabled, \ Link, link_is_enabled from rtemsspec.sphinxcontent import SphinxMapper _SINGLE_SUBSTITUTION = re.compile( r"^\${[a-zA-Z0-9._/-]+(:[a-zA-Z0-9._/-]+)?(:[^${}]*)?}$") def _get_input_links(item: Item) -> Iterator[Link]: yield from itertools.chain(item.links_to_parents("input"), item.links_to_children("input-to")) def build_item_input(item: Item, name: str) -> Item: """ Returns the first input item with the name. """ for link in _get_input_links(item): if link["name"] == name: return link.item raise KeyError def _get_spec(ctx: ItemGetValueContext) -> Any: return ctx.item.spec class BuildItemMapper(SphinxMapper): """ The build item mapper provides a method to get a link to the primary documentation place of the item. """ def __init__(self, item: Item, recursive: bool = False): super().__init__(item, recursive) for type_name in item.cache.items_by_type: self.add_get_value(f"{type_name}:/spec", _get_spec) def get_link(self, _item: Item) -> str: """ Returns a link to the primary documentation place of the item. """ raise NotImplementedError class BuildItem(): """ This is the base class for build steps. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods @classmethod def prepare_factory(cls, _factory: "BuildItemFactory", _type_name: str) -> None: """ Prepares the build item factory for the type. """ def __init__(self, director: "PackageBuildDirector", item: Item, mapper: Optional[BuildItemMapper] = None): if mapper is None: mapper = BuildItemMapper(item, recursive=True) self.director = director self.item = item self.mapper = mapper director.factory.add_get_values_to_mapper(self.mapper) self._did_run = False def __contains__(self, key: str) -> bool: return key in self.item def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> Any: return self.substitute(self.item[key]) def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: Any) -> None: self.item[key] = value @property def uid(self) -> str: """ Returns the UID of the build item. """ return self.item.uid @property def variant(self) -> "BuildItem": """ Returns the variant build item. """ return self.director["/qdp/variant"] @property def enabled_set(self) -> List["str"]: """ Is the enabled set of the variant item. """ return self.director["/qdp/variant"]["enabled"] @property def enabled(self) -> bool: """ Is true, if the build item is enabled using the enabled set of the variant item, otherwise false. """ return is_enabled(self.enabled_set, self["enabled-by"]) def build(self, force: bool) -> None: """ Runs the build if necessary. """ self._did_run = False self.mapper.item = self.item logging.info("%s: check if build is necessary", self.uid) necessary = self.is_build_necessary() if necessary: logging.info("%s: build is necessary", self.uid) if force: logging.info("%s: build is forced", self.uid) if force or necessary: logging.info("%s: discard outputs", self.uid) self.discard_outputs() logging.info("%s: run", self.uid) self.run() self._did_run = True logging.info("%s: refresh outputs", self.uid) self.refresh_outputs() logging.info("%s: refresh input links", self.uid) self.refresh_input_links() logging.info("%s: refresh", self.uid) self.refresh() logging.info("%s: commit", self.uid) self.commit("Finish build step") logging.info("%s: finished", self.uid) else: logging.info("%s: build is unnecessary", self.uid) def has_changed(self, link: Link) -> bool: """ Returns true, if the build item state changed with respect to the state of the link, otherwise false. """ return self._did_run or link["hash"] is None or self.digest != link[ "hash"] def is_build_necessary(self) -> bool: """ Returns true, if the build is necessary, otherwise false. """ necessary = False for link in itertools.chain( self.item.links_to_parents("input", is_link_enabled=link_is_enabled), self.item.links_to_children("input-to", is_link_enabled=link_is_enabled)): if not link.item.is_enabled(self.enabled_set): logging.info("%s: input is disabled: %s", self.uid, link.item.uid) continue build_item = self.director[link.item.uid] if link["hash"] is None: logging.info("%s: input is new: %s", self.uid, build_item.uid) if build_item.has_changed(link): logging.info("%s: input has changed: %s", self.uid, build_item.uid) necessary = True else: logging.info("%s: input has not changed: %s", self.uid, build_item.uid) return necessary def discard(self) -> None: """ Discards the data associated with the build item. """ def discard_outputs(self) -> None: """ Discards all outputs of the build item. """ for item in self.item.parents("output", is_link_enabled=link_is_enabled): if not item.is_enabled(self.enabled_set): logging.info("%s: output is disabled: %s", self.uid, item.uid) continue self.director[item.uid].discard() def clear(self) -> None: """ Clears the state of the build item. """ def refresh(self) -> None: """ Refreshes the build item state. """ def commit(self, _reason: str) -> None: """ Commits the build item state. """ for item in self.item.children("input-to"): item.save() self.item.save() @property def digest(self) -> str: """ Is the hash of the build item. """ data = self.item.data data["links"] = copy.deepcopy(data["links"]) for link in data["links"]: if link["role"] == "input-to": link["hash"] = None return data_digest(data) def refresh_link(self, link: Link) -> None: """ Refreshes the link to reflect the state of the build item. """ link["hash"] = self.digest def refresh_outputs(self) -> None: """ Refreshes all outputs of the build item. """ for item in self.item.parents("output"): self.director[item.uid].refresh() def refresh_input_links(self) -> None: """ Refreshes all input links of the build item. """ for link in _get_input_links(self.item): self.director[link.item.uid].refresh_link(link) def run(self): """ Runs the build item tasks. """ def substitute(self, data: Any, item: Optional[Item] = None) -> Any: """ Recursively substitutes the data using the item mapper of the build step. """ if item is None: item = self.item if isinstance(data, str): return self.mapper.substitute(data, item) if isinstance(data, list): new_list: List[Any] = [] for element in data: if isinstance(element, str): match = _SINGLE_SUBSTITUTION.search(element) if match: new_item, _, new_element = self.mapper.map( element[2:-1], item) if isinstance(new_element, list): new_list.extend( self.mapper.substitute(new_element_2, new_item) for new_element_2 in new_element) else: new_list.append( self.mapper.substitute(new_element, new_item)) else: new_list.append(self.mapper.substitute(element, item)) else: new_list.append(self.substitute(element)) return new_list if isinstance(data, dict): new_dict: Dict[Any, Any] = {} for key, value in data.items(): new_dict[key] = self.substitute(value) return new_dict return data def input(self, name: str) -> "BuildItem": """ Returns the first directory state dependency and the expected hash associated with the name. """ for link in _get_input_links(self.item): if link["name"] == name: return self.director[link.item.uid] raise KeyError def inputs(self, name: Optional[str] = None) -> Iterator["BuildItem"]: """ Yields the inputs associated with the name. """ for link in _get_input_links(self.item): if name is None or link["name"] == name: yield self.director[link.item.uid] def input_links(self, name: Optional[str] = None) -> Iterator[Link]: """ Yields the inputs associated with the name. """ for link in _get_input_links(self.item): if name is None or link["name"] == name: yield link def output(self, name: str) -> "BuildItem": """ Returns the first directory state production associated with the name. """ for link in self.item.links_to_parents( "output", is_link_enabled=link_is_enabled): if link["name"] == name: if link.item.is_enabled(self.enabled_set): return self.director[link.item.uid] logging.info("%s: output is disabled: %s", self.uid, link.item.uid) raise ValueError raise KeyError def _get_dash(ctx: ItemGetValueContext) -> str: return f"-{ctx.value}" if ctx.value else "" def _get_slash(ctx: ItemGetValueContext) -> str: return f"/{ctx.value}" if ctx.value else "" class PackageVariant(BuildItem): """ This is the class represents a package variant. """ @classmethod def prepare_factory(cls, factory: "BuildItemFactory", type_name: str) -> None: BuildItem.prepare_factory(factory, type_name) factory.add_get_value(f"{type_name}:/config/dash", _get_dash) factory.add_get_value(f"{type_name}:/config/slash", _get_slash) class BuildItemFactory: """ The build item factory can create build items for registered build item types. """ def __init__(self) -> None: """ Initializes the dictionary of build steps """ self._build_step_map: Dict[str, Type[BuildItem]] = {} self._get_values: List[Tuple[str, ItemGetValue]] = [] def add_constructor(self, type_name: str, cls: Type[BuildItem]): """ Associates the build item constructor with the type name. """ self._build_step_map[type_name] = cls cls.prepare_factory(self, type_name) def create(self, director: "PackageBuildDirector", item: Item) -> BuildItem: """ Creates a build item for the item. The new build item will be assocated with the build director. """ return self._build_step_map.get(item.type, BuildItem)(director, item) def add_get_value(self, type_path_key: str, get_value: ItemGetValue) -> None: """ Adds a get value method for the type key path. """ self._get_values.append((type_path_key, get_value)) def add_get_values_to_mapper(self, mapper: ItemMapper) -> None: """ Adds add registered get value methods to the mapper. """ for type_path_key, get_value in self._get_values: mapper.add_get_value(type_path_key, get_value) class PackageBuildDirector: """ The package build director contains the package build state and runs the build. """ # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods def __init__(self, item_cache: ItemCache, factory: BuildItemFactory): self._item_cache = item_cache self.factory = factory self._build_items: Dict[str, BuildItem] = {} def __getitem__(self, uid: str) -> BuildItem: item = self._build_items.get(uid, None) if item is not None: return item logging.info("%s: create build item", uid) item = self.factory.create(self, self._item_cache[uid]) self._build_items[uid] = item return item def clear(self) -> None: """ Clears the build items of the director. """ self._build_items.clear() def build_package(self, only: Optional[List[str]], force: Optional[List[str]]): """ Builds the package """ if force is None: force = [] build_steps = self._item_cache["/qdp/variant"].parent("package-build") enabled_set = self["/qdp/variant"]["enabled"] logging.info("%s: build the package", build_steps.uid) for step in build_steps.parents("build-step", is_link_enabled=link_is_enabled): if not step.is_enabled(enabled_set): logging.info("%s: is disabled", step.uid) continue builder = self[step.uid] if only is not None and step.uid not in only: logging.info("%s: build is skipped", step.uid) continue builder.build(step.uid in force) logging.info("%s: finished building package", build_steps.uid)