diff options
authorSebastian Huber <>2020-03-16 14:07:39 +0100
committerSebastian Huber <>2020-03-19 07:41:30 +0100
commitaceadb15d6f3dc035b37cf16473398eccc5cd96e (patch)
parent979c5b22e88790e294ee2515c3fa73b2a2a20342 (diff)
eng: Add Python development guidelines
2 files changed, 164 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/eng/management.rst b/eng/management.rst
index 064559c..6eb4217 100644
--- a/eng/management.rst
+++ b/eng/management.rst
@@ -16,5 +16,6 @@ Software Development Management
+ python-devel
diff --git a/eng/python-devel.rst b/eng/python-devel.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1e0fa6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eng/python-devel.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+.. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0
+.. Copyright (C) 2020 embedded brains GmbH (
+.. _PythonDevelGuide:
+Python Development Guidelines
+Python is the preferred programming language for the RTEMS Tools. The RTEMS
+Tools run on the host computer of an RTEMS user or maintainer. These
+guidelines cover the Python language version, the source code formatting, use
+of static analysis tools, type annotations, testing, code coverage, and
+documentation. There are exceptions for existing code and third-party code.
+It is recommended to read the
+`PEP 8 - Style Guide for Python Code <>`_
+and the
+`Google Python Style Guide <>`_.
+Python Language Versions
+Although the official end-of-life of Python 2.7 was on January 1, 2020, the
+RTEMS Project still cares about Python 2.7 compatibility for some tools. Every
+tool provided by the RTEMS Project which an RTEMS user may use to develop
+applications with RTEMS should be Python 2.7 compatible. Examples are the
+build system, the RTEMS Source Builder, and the RTEMS Tester. The rationale is
+that there are still some maintained Linux distributions in the wild which ship
+only Python 2.7 by default. An example is CentOS 7 which gets maintenance
+updates until June 2024. Everything an RTEMS maintainer uses should be written
+in Python 3.6.
+Python Code Formatting
+Good looking code is important. Unfortunately, what looks good is a bit
+subjective and varies from developer to developer. Arguing about the code
+format is not productive. Code reviews should focus on more important topics,
+for example functionality, testability, and performance. Fortunately, for
+Python there are some good automatic code formatters available. All new code
+specifically developed for the RTEMS Tools should be piped through the
+`yapf <>`_ Python code formatter before it is
+committed or sent for review. Use the default settings of the tool
+(`PEP 8 <>`_ coding style).
+You can disable the automatic formatting by the tool in a region starting with
+the ``#yapf: disable`` comment until the next ``# yapf: enable`` comment, for
+.. code-block:: python
+ # yapf: disable
+ FOO = {
+ # ... some very large, complex data literal.
+ }
+ BAR = [
+ # ... another large data literal.
+ ]
+ # yapf: enable
+For a single literal, you can disable the formatting like this:
+.. code-block:: python
+ BAZ = {
+ (1, 2, 3, 4),
+ (5, 6, 7, 8),
+ (9, 10, 11, 12),
+ } # yapf: disable
+Static Analysis Tools
+Use the ``flake8`` and ``pylint`` static analysis tools for Python. Do not
+commit your code or send it for review if the tools find some rule
+violations. Run the tools with the default configuration. If you have
+problems to silence the tools, then please ask for help on the :r:list:`devel`.
+Consult the tool documentation to silence false positives.
+Type Annotations
+For Python 3.6 or later code use type annotations. All public functions of
+your modules should have `PEP 484 <>`_
+type annotations. Check for type issues with the
+`mypy <>`_ static type checker.
+Write tests for your code with the
+`pytest <>`_ framework. Use the
+`monkeypatch <>`_ mocking
+module. Do not use the standard Python ``unittest`` and ``unittest.mock``
+modules. Use ``coverage run -m pytest`` to run the tests with code coverage
+support. If you modify existing code or contribute new code to a subproject
+which uses tests and the code coverage metric, then do not make the code
+coverage worse.
+Test Organization
+Do not use test classes to group tests. Use separate files instead. Avoid
+deep test directory hierarchies. For example, place tests for
+:file:`` in :file:`tests/`. For class-specific
+tests use:
+* `` First`` :math:`\rightarrow`
+ :file:`tests/`
+* `` Second`` :math:`\rightarrow`
+ :file:`tests/`
+* `` Third`` :math:`\rightarrow`
+ :file:`tests/`
+You can also group tests in other ways, for example:
+* :file:`` :math:`\rightarrow` :file:`tests/`
+* :file:`` :math:`\rightarrow` :file:`tests/`
+Document your code using the
+`PEP 257 - Docstring Conventions <>`_.
+Contrary to PEP 257, use the descriptive-style
+(``"""Fetches rows from a Bigtable."""``) instead of imperative-style
+(``"""Fetch rows from a Bigtable."""``) as recommended by
+`Comments and Docstrings - Functions and Methods <>`_.
+Use the
+`Sphinx <>`_
+format. The
+`sphinx-autodoc-typehints <>`_
+helps to reuse the type annotations for the documentation. Test code does not
+need docstrings in general.
+Existing Code
+Existing code in the RTEMS Tools may not follow the preceding guidelines. The
+RTEMS Project welcomes contributions which bring existing code in line with the
+guidelines. Firstly, run the ``yapf`` code formatter through the existing code
+of interest. Add ``# yapf: disable`` comments to avoid reformatting in some
+areas if it makes sense. If the existing code has no unit tests, then add unit
+tests before you modify existing code by hand. With the new unit tests aim at
+a good code coverage especially in the areas you intend to modify. While you
+review the code add docstrings. Run the static analysers and fix the rule
+violations. Please keep in mind that also trivial modifications can break
+working code. Make sure you have some unit tests. Add type annotations unless
+the code should be Python 2.7 compatible. Concentrate on the public
+Third-Party Code
+Try to not modify imported third-party code. In case there are issues with
+third-party code, then at least write a bug report or otherwise contact the
+upstream project. Reimport the third-party code after the issue is fixed in
+the upstream project. Only temporarily modify imported third-party code until
+a solution integrated in the upstream is available.