path: root/README.txt
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'README.txt')
1 files changed, 92 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/README.txt b/README.txt
index 68f4554..bf29299 100644
--- a/README.txt
+++ b/README.txt
@@ -30,25 +30,114 @@ FreeBSD
# pkg install py27-sphinx
# pkg install texlive-full
Single HTML:
# pkg install npm
# npm install -g inliner
+CentOS 7
+ # yum install -y texlive-*
+This does not provide all the require packages. Missing are:
+ capt-of
+ eqparbox
+ ifplatform
+ inconsolata
+ lato
+ upquote
+Latex Setup
+Latex is used to create the PDF document. The setup of Latex varies from host
+to host operating system due to the way each host packages the texlive
+packages. There is no common naming and no real way to figure what texlive
+package is present in a host's packaging. It seems not all of texlive is
+The RTEMS Documentation waf configure phase check for each texlive package used
+in the generated output and the styles. If you complete configure with the
+--pdf option you should be able to build PDF documentation.
+The texlive package requirments come from the Latex styles we are using and
+An example of a failure is a default CentOS 7:
+ Checking for Tex package 'Bjarne' : ok
+ Checking for Tex package 'alltt' : ok
+ Checking for Tex package 'amsmath' : ok
+ Checking for Tex package 'amssymb' : ok
+ Checking for Tex package 'amstext' : ok
+ Checking for Tex package 'array' : ok
+ Checking for Tex package 'atbegshi' : ok
+ Checking for Tex package 'babel' : ok
+ Checking for Tex package 'calc' : ok
+ Checking for Tex package 'capt-of' : not found (please install)
+ Checking for Tex package 'charter' : ok
+ Checking for Tex package 'cmap' : ok
+ Checking for Tex package 'color' : ok
+ Checking for Tex package 'eqparbox' : not found (please install)
+ Checking for Tex package 'etoolbox' : ok
+ Checking for Tex package 'fancybox' : ok
+ Checking for Tex package 'fancyhdr' : ok
+ Checking for Tex package 'fancyvrb' : ok
+ Checking for Tex package 'float' : ok
+ Checking for Tex package 'fncychap' : ok
+ Checking for Tex package 'fontenc' : ok
+ Checking for Tex package 'footnote' : ok
+ Checking for Tex package 'framed' : ok
+ Checking for Tex package 'graphicx' : ok
+ Checking for Tex package 'hypcap' : ok
+ Checking for Tex package 'hyperref' : ok
+ Checking for Tex package 'ifplatform' : not found (please install)
+ Checking for Tex package 'ifthen' : ok
+ Checking for Tex package 'inconsolata' : not found (please install)
+ Checking for Tex package 'inputenc' : ok
+ Checking for Tex package 'keyval' : ok
+ Checking for Tex package 'kvoptions' : ok
+ Checking for Tex package 'lato' : not found (please install)
+ Checking for Tex package 'lineno' : ok
+ Checking for Tex package 'longtable' : ok
+ Checking for Tex package 'makeidx' : ok
+ Checking for Tex package 'multirow' : ok
+ Checking for Tex package 'parskip' : ok
+ Checking for Tex package 'pdftexcmds' : ok
+ Checking for Tex package 'textcomp' : ok
+ Checking for Tex package 'threeparttable' : ok
+ Checking for Tex package 'times' : ok
+ Checking for Tex package 'titlesec' : ok
+ Checking for Tex package 'upquote' : not found (please install)
+ Checking for Tex package 'utf8' : ok
+ Checking for Tex package 'wrapfig' : ok
+ Checking for Tex package 'xcolor' : ok
+ Checking for Tex package 'xstring' : ok
+ There are 6 Tex package failures. Please fix.
+If you find there is an issue please post the developers list.
To build enter in the top directory:
- $ ./waf configure [--pdf] [--singlehtml] [--prefix]
+ $ ./waf configure [--pdf] [--singlehtml] [--prefix] [--sphinx-verbose]
$ ./waf
-The '--pdf' and '--singlehtml' options can be added to build those output
+The '--pdf' and '--singlehtml' options can be added to configure to build those
+output formats.
To build and install to a specific location: