# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause """LibBSD build configuration to waf integration module. """ # Copyright (c) 2015, 2020 Chris Johns . All rights reserved. # # Copyright (c) 2009, 2015 embedded brains GmbH. All rights reserved. # # embedded brains GmbH # Dornierstr. 4 # 82178 Puchheim # Germany # # # Copyright (c) 2012 OAR Corporation. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. from __future__ import print_function import os import sys import tempfile import re import builder import rtems_waf.rtems as rtems windows = os.name == 'nt' if windows: host_shell = 'sh -c ' else: host_shell = '' # # The waf builder for libbsd. # class Builder(builder.ModuleManager): def __init__(self, trace=False): super(Builder, self).__init__() self.trace = trace self.data = {} @staticmethod def _sourceList(bld, files): sources = [] if type(files) is dict: for cfg in files: if cfg in ['cflags', 'includes']: continue if cfg != 'default': for c in cfg.split(' '): if not bld.env['HAVE_%s' % (c)]: continue sources += sorted(files[cfg]) else: sources = sorted(files) return sources def generate(self, rtems_version): def _dataInsert(data, cpu, space, frag): # # The default handler returns None. Skip it. # if frag is not None: # Start at the top of the tree d = data path = frag[0] if path[0] not in d: d[path[0]] = {} # Select the sub-part of the tree as the compile options # specialise how files are built. d = d[path[0]] # Group based on the space, ie kernel or user if space not in d: d[space] = {} d = d[space] if type(path[1]) is list: p = ' '.join(path[1]) else: p = path[1] if p not in d: d[p] = {} d = d[p] if cpu not in d: d[cpu] = {} config = frag[0][2][0] if config != 'default': if 'configure' not in data: data['configure'] = {} configTest = frag[1]['configTest'] if configTest not in data['configure']: data['configure'][configTest] = {} data['configure'][configTest][config] = frag[0][2][1] if type(frag[1]) is list: if config not in d[cpu]: d[cpu][config] = [] d[cpu][config] += frag[1] else: d[cpu][config] = frag[1] # # The CPU is for files and the flags and includes are common. # if len(frag) > 3: if 'cflags' not in d: d['cflags'] = [] d['cflags'] += frag[2] d['cflags'] = list(set(d['cflags'])) if len(frag) >= 3 and None not in frag[-1]: if 'includes' not in d: d['includes'] = [] d['includes'] += frag[-1] d['includes'] = list(set(d['includes'])) self.generateBuild() self.data = {} for mn in self.getEnabledModules(): m = self[mn] if m.conditionalOn == "none": for f in m.files: _dataInsert(self.data, 'all', f.getSpace(), f.getFragment()) for cpu, files in sorted(m.cpuDependentSourceFiles.items()): for f in files: _dataInsert(self.data, cpu, f.getSpace(), f.getFragment()) # Start here if you need to understand self.data. Add 'True or' if self.trace: import pprint pprint.pprint(self.data) def bsp_configure(self, conf, arch_bsp): if 'configure' in self.data: for configTest in self.data['configure']: for cfg in self.data['configure'][configTest]: if configTest == 'header': for h in self.data['configure'][configTest][cfg]: conf.check(header_name=h, features="c", includes=conf.env.IFLAGS, mandatory=False) elif configTest == 'library': for l in self.data['configure'][configTest][cfg]: conf.check_cc(lib=l, fragment=rtems.test_application(), execute=False, mandatory=False) else: bld.fatal('invalid config test: %s' % (configTest)) def build(self, bld): # # Localize the config. # config = self.getConfiguration() module_header_path = "rtems/bsd" module_header_name = "modules.h" # # # C/C++ flags # common_flags = [] common_flags += ['-O%s' % (bld.env.OPTIMIZATION)] if 'common-flags' in config: common_flags += [f for f in config['common-flags']] if bld.env.WARNINGS and 'common-warnings' in config: common_flags += [f for f in config['common-warnings']] elif 'common-no-warnings' in config: common_flags += [f for f in config['common-no-warnings']] if 'cflags' in config: cflags = config['cflags'] + common_flags if 'cxxflags' in config: cxxflags = config['cxxflags'] + common_flags # # Defines # defines = [] if len(bld.env.FREEBSD_OPTIONS) > 0: for o in bld.env.FREEBSD_OPTIONS.split(','): defines += ['%s=1' % (o.strip().upper())] # # Include paths, maintain paths for each build space. # include_paths = config['include-paths'] if 'build' not in include_paths: bld.fatal('no build include path found in include-path defaults') buildinclude = include_paths['build'] if isinstance(buildinclude, list): buildinclude = buildinclude[0] inc_paths = sorted(include_paths) inc_paths.remove('build') inc_paths.remove('cpu') includes = {} for inc in inc_paths: includes[inc] = include_paths[inc] # cpu include paths must be the first searched if 'cpu' in include_paths: cpu = bld.get_env()['RTEMS_ARCH'] for i in include_paths['cpu']: includes['kernel'].insert(0, i.replace('@CPU@', cpu)) includes['kernel'] += [buildinclude] # # Path mappings # if 'path-mappings' in config: for source, target in config['path-mappings']: for space in includes: incs = includes[space] if source in incs: target = [target] if isinstance(target, str) else target i = incs.index(source) incs.remove(source) incs[i:i] = target # # Place the kernel include paths after the user paths # includes['user'] += includes['kernel'] # # Collect the libbsd uses # libbsd_use = [] # # Network test configuration # if not os.path.exists(bld.env.NET_CONFIG): bld.fatal('network configuraiton \'%s\' not found' % (bld.env.NET_CONFIG)) tags = [ 'NET_CFG_INTERFACE_0', 'NET_CFG_SELF_IP', 'NET_CFG_NETMASK', 'NET_CFG_PEER_IP', 'NET_CFG_GATEWAY_IP' ] try: net_cfg_lines = open(bld.env.NET_CONFIG).readlines() except: bld.fatal('network configuraiton \'%s\' read failed' % (bld.env.NET_CONFIG)) lc = 0 sed = 'sed ' for l in net_cfg_lines: lc += 1 if l.strip().startswith('NET_CFG_'): ls = l.split('=') if len(ls) != 2: bld.fatal('network configuraiton \'%s\' ' + \ 'parse error: %d: %s' % (bld.env.NET_CONFIG, lc, l)) lhs = ls[0].strip() rhs = ls[1].strip() for t in tags: if lhs == t: sed += "-e 's/@%s@/%s/' " % (t, rhs) bld(target="testsuite/include/rtems/bsd/test/network-config.h", source="testsuite/include/rtems/bsd/test/network-config.h.in", rule=sed + " < ${SRC} > ${TGT}", update_outputs=True) # # Add a copy rule for all headers where the install path and the source # path are not the same. # if 'header-paths' in config: header_build_copy_paths = [ hp for hp in config['header-paths'] if hp[2] != '' and not hp[0].endswith(hp[2]) ] for headers in header_build_copy_paths: target = os.path.join(buildinclude, headers[2]) start_dir = bld.path.find_dir(headers[0]) for header in start_dir.ant_glob(headers[1]): relsourcepath = header.path_from(start_dir) targetheader = os.path.join(target, relsourcepath) bld(features='subst', target=targetheader, source=header, is_copy=True) # # Generate a header that contains information about enabled modules # def rtems_libbsd_modules_h_gen(self): output = "" output += '/*\n' output += ' * This file contains a list of modules that have been\n' output += ' * enabled during libbsd build. It is a generated file\n' output += ' * DO NOT EDIT MANUALLY.\n' output += ' */' output += '\n' output += '#ifndef RTEMS_BSD_MODULES_H\n' for mod in config['modules-enabled']: modname = re.sub("[^A-Za-z0-9]", "_", mod.upper()) output += '#define RTEMS_BSD_MODULE_{} 1\n'.format(modname) output += '#endif /* RTEMS_BSD_MODULES_H */\n' self.outputs[0].write(output) modules_h_file_with_path = os.path.join(buildinclude, module_header_path, module_header_name) bld(rule=rtems_libbsd_modules_h_gen, target=modules_h_file_with_path, before=['c', 'cxx']) # # Add the specific rule based builders # # # KVM Symbols # if 'KVMSymbols' in self.data: kvmsymbols = self.data['KVMSymbols']['kernel'] if 'includes' in kvmsymbols['files']: kvmsymbols_includes = kvmsymbols['files']['includes'] else: kvmsymbols_includes = [] bld(target=kvmsymbols['files']['all']['default'][0], source='rtemsbsd/rtems/generate_kvm_symbols', rule=host_shell + './${SRC} > ${TGT}', update_outputs=True) bld.objects(target='kvmsymbols', features='c', cflags=cflags, includes=kvmsymbols_includes + includes['kernel'], source=kvmsymbols['files']['all']['default'][0]) libbsd_use += ["kvmsymbols"] bld.add_group() # # RPC Generation # if 'RPCGen' in self.data: if bld.env.AUTO_REGEN: rpcgen = self.data['RPCGen']['user'] rpcname = rpcgen['files']['all']['default'][0][:-2] bld(target=rpcname + '.h', source=rpcname + '.x', rule=host_shell + '${RPCGEN} -h -o ${TGT} ${SRC}') # # Route keywords # if 'RouteKeywords' in self.data: if bld.env.AUTO_REGEN: routekw = self.data['RouteKeywords']['user'] rkwname = routekw['files']['all']['default'][0] rkw_rule = host_shell + "cat ${SRC} | " + \ "awk 'BEGIN { r = 0 } { if (NF == 1) " + \ "printf \"#define\\tK_%%s\\t%%d\\n\\t{\\\"%%s\\\", K_%%s},\\n\", " + \ "toupper($1), ++r, $1, toupper($1)}' > ${TGT}" bld(target=rkwname + '.h', source=rkwname, rule=rkw_rule) # # Lex # if 'lex' in self.data: lexes = self.data['lex']['user'] for l in sorted(lexes.keys()): lex = lexes[l]['all']['default'] if 'cflags' in lex: lexDefines = [d[2:] for d in lex['cflags']] else: lexDefines = [] if 'includes' in lex: lexIncludes = lex['includes'] else: lexIncludes = [] lex_rule = host_shell + '${LEX} -P ' + lex['sym'] + ' -t ${SRC} | ' + \ 'sed -e \'/YY_BUF_SIZE/s/16384/1024/\' > ${TGT}' if bld.env.AUTO_REGEN: bld(target=lex['file'][:-2] + '.c', source=lex['file'], rule=lex_rule) if lex['build']: bld.objects(target='lex_%s' % (lex['sym']), features='c', cflags=cflags, includes=lexIncludes + includes['user'], defines=defines + lexDefines, source=lex['file'][:-2] + '.c') libbsd_use += ['lex_%s' % (lex['sym'])] # # Yacc # if 'yacc' in self.data: yaccs = self.data['yacc']['user'] for y in sorted(yaccs.keys()): yacc = yaccs[y]['all']['default'] yaccFile = yacc['file'] if yacc['sym'] is not None: yaccSym = yacc['sym'] else: yaccSym = os.path.basename(yaccFile)[:-2] yaccHeader = '%s/%s' % (os.path.dirname(yaccFile), yacc['header']) if 'cflags' in yacc: yaccDefines = [d[2:] for d in yacc['cflags']] else: yaccDefines = [] if 'includes' in yacc: yaccIncludes = yacc['includes'] else: yaccIncludes = [] yacc_rule = host_shell + '${YACC} -b ' + yaccSym + \ ' -d -p ' + yaccSym + ' ${SRC} && ' + \ 'sed -e \'/YY_BUF_SIZE/s/16384/1024/\' < ' + \ yaccSym + '.tab.c > ${TGT} && ' + \ 'rm -f ' + yaccSym + '.tab.c && mv ' + yaccSym + '.tab.h ' + yaccHeader if bld.env.AUTO_REGEN: bld(target=yaccFile[:-2] + '.c', source=yaccFile, rule=yacc_rule) if yacc['build']: bld.objects(target='yacc_%s' % (yaccSym), features='c', cflags=cflags, includes=yaccIncludes + includes['user'], defines=defines + yaccDefines, source=yaccFile[:-2] + '.c') libbsd_use += ['yacc_%s' % (yaccSym)] # # We have 'm' different sets of flags and there can be 'n' cpus # specific files for those flags. # objs = 0 for space in sorted(self.data['sources']): sources = sorted(self.data['sources'][space]) if space == 'kernel' and 'default' in sources: sources.remove('default') for flags in sources: objs += 1 build = self.data['sources'][space][flags] target = 'objs%02d' % (objs) bld_sources = Builder._sourceList(bld, build['all']) archs = sorted(build) for i in ['all', 'cflags', 'includes']: if i in archs: archs.remove(i) for arch in archs: if bld.get_env()['RTEMS_ARCH'] == arch: bld_sources += Builder._sourceList(bld, build[arch]) bld_cflags = sorted(build.get('cflags', [])) if 'default' in bld_cflags: bld_cflags.remove('default') bld.objects(target=target, features='c cxx', cflags=cflags + bld_cflags, cxxflags=cxxflags, includes=sorted(build.get('includes', [])) + includes[space], defines=defines, source=bld_sources) libbsd_use += [target] # # We hold the kernel 'default' cflags set of files to the end to # create the static library with. # build = self.data['sources']['kernel']['default'] bld_sources = Builder._sourceList(bld, build['all']) archs = sorted(build) archs.remove('all') for arch in archs: if bld.get_env()['RTEMS_ARCH'] == arch: bld_sources += Builder._sourceList(bld, build[arch]) bld.stlib(target='bsd', features='c cxx', cflags=cflags, cxxflags=cxxflags, includes=includes['kernel'], defines=defines, source=bld_sources, use=libbsd_use) # # Installs. # # Header file collector. # arch_lib_path = rtems.arch_bsp_lib_path(bld.env.RTEMS_VERSION, bld.env.RTEMS_ARCH_BSP) arch_inc_path = rtems.arch_bsp_include_path(bld.env.RTEMS_VERSION, bld.env.RTEMS_ARCH_BSP) bld.install_files("${PREFIX}/" + arch_lib_path, ["libbsd.a"]) if 'header-paths' in config: headerPaths = config['header-paths'] cpu = bld.get_env()['RTEMS_ARCH'] if cpu == "i386": cpu = 'x86' for headers in headerPaths: # Get the dest path ipath = os.path.join(arch_inc_path, headers[2]) start_dir = bld.path.find_dir(headers[0].replace('@CPU@', cpu)) if start_dir != None: bld.install_files("${PREFIX}/" + ipath, start_dir.ant_glob(headers[1]), cwd=start_dir, relative_trick=True) bld.install_files(os.path.join("${PREFIX}", arch_inc_path, module_header_path), modules_h_file_with_path, cwd=bld.path) # # Tests # tests = [] if 'tests' in self.data: tests = self.data['tests']['user'] for testName in sorted(tests): test = tests[testName]['all'] test_source = [] libs = ['bsd', 'm', 'z', 'rtemstest'] for cfg in test: build_test = True if cfg != 'default': for c in cfg.split(' '): if not bld.env['HAVE_%s' % (c)]: build_test = False break if build_test: test_sources = ['testsuite/%s/%s.c' % (testName, f) \ for f in test[cfg]['files']] libs = test[cfg]['libs'] + libs if build_test: bld.program(target='%s.exe' % (testName), features='cprogram', cflags=cflags, includes=includes['user'], source=test_sources, use=['bsd'], lib=libs, install_path=None)