# # RTEMS Tools Project (http://www.rtems.org/) # Copyright 2010-2017 Chris Johns (chrisj@rtems.org) # All rights reserved. # # This file is part of the RTEMS Tools package in 'rtems-tools'. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # # Execute commands or scripts. # # Note, the subprocess module is only in Python 2.4 or higher. # from __future__ import print_function import functools import io import os import re import sys import subprocess import threading import time import traceback from rtemstoolkit import error from rtemstoolkit import log from rtemstoolkit import stacktraces # Trace exceptions trace_threads = False # Redefine the PIPE from subprocess PIPE = subprocess.PIPE # Regular expression to find quotes. qstr = re.compile('[rR]?\'([^\\n\'\\\\]|\\\\.)*\'|[rR]?"([^\\n"\\\\]|\\\\.)*"') def check_type(command): """Checks the type of command we have. The types are spawn and shell.""" if command in ['spawn', 'shell']: return True return False def arg_list(args): """Turn a string of arguments into a list suitable for spawning a command. If the args are already a list return it.""" if type(args) is list: return args argstr = args args = [] while len(argstr): qs = qstr.search(argstr) if not qs: args.extend(argstr.split()) argstr= '' else: # We have a quoted string. Get the string before # the quoted string and splt on white space then # add the quoted string as an option then remove # the first + quoted string and try again front = argstr[:qs.start()] args.extend(front.split()) args.append(argstr[qs.start() + 1:qs.end() - 1]) argstr = argstr[qs.end():] return args def arg_subst(command, substs): """Substitute the %[0-9] in the command with the subst values.""" args = arg_list(command) if substs: for a in range(0, len(args)): for r in range(0, len(substs)): args[a] = re.compile(('%%%d' % (r))).sub(substs[r], args[a]) return args def arg_subst_str(command, subst): cmd = arg_subst(command, subst) def add(x, y): return x + ' ' + str(y) return functools.reduce(add, cmd, '') class execute(object): """Execute commands or scripts. The 'output' is a funtion that handles the output from the process. The 'input' is a function that blocks and returns data to be written to stdin""" def __init__(self, output = None, input = None, cleanup = None, error_prefix = '', verbose = False): self.lock = threading.Lock() self.output = output self.input = input self.cleanup = cleanup self.error_prefix = error_prefix self.verbose = verbose self.shell_exe = None self.shell_commands = False self.path = None self.environment = None self.outputting = False self.timing_out = False self.proc = None def capture(self, proc, command = 'pipe', timeout = None): """Create 3 threads to read stdout and stderr and send to the output handler and call an input handler is provided. Based on the 'communicate' code in the subprocess module.""" def _writethread(exe, fh, input): """Call the input handler and write it to the stdin. The input handler should block and return None or False if this thread is to exit and True if this is a timeout check.""" if trace_threads: print('execute:_writethread: start') encoding = True try: tmp = bytes('temp', sys.stdin.encoding) except: encoding = False try: while True: if trace_threads: print('execute:_writethread: call input', input) lines = input() if type(lines) == str or type(lines) == bytes: try: if encoding: lines = bytes(lines, sys.stdin.encoding) fh.write(lines) fh.flush() except: break if lines == None or \ lines == False or \ (lines == True and fh.closed): break except: if trace_threads: print('execute:_writethread: exception') print(traceback.format_exc()) pass try: fh.close() except: pass if trace_threads: print('execute:_writethread: finished') def _readthread(exe, fh, out, prefix = ''): """Read from a file handle and write to the output handler until the file closes.""" def _output_line(line, exe, prefix, out, count): #exe.lock.acquire() #exe.outputting = True #exe.lock.release() try: if out: out(prefix + line) else: log.output(prefix + line) if count > 10: log.flush() except: stacktraces.trace() if trace_threads: print('execute:_readthread: start') count = 0 line = '' try: while True: # # The io module file handling return up to the size passed # in to the read call. The io handle has the default # buffering size. On any error assume the handle has gone # and the process is shutting down. # try: data = fh.read1(4096) except: data = '' if len(data) == 0: if len(line) > 0: _output_line(line + '\n', exe, prefix, out, count) break # str and bytes are the same type in Python2 if type(data) is not str and type(data) is bytes: data = data.decode(sys.stdout.encoding) last_ch = data[-1] sd = (line + data).split('\n') if last_ch != '\n': line = sd[-1] else: line = '' sd = sd[:-1] if len(sd) > 0: for l in sd: _output_line(l + '\n', exe, prefix, out, count) count += 1 if count > 10: count -= 10 except: raise if trace_threads: print('execute:_readthread: exception') print(traceback.format_exc()) pass try: fh.close() except: pass if len(line): _output_line(line, exe, prefix, out, 100) if trace_threads: print('execute:_readthread: finished') def _timerthread(exe, interval, function): """Timer thread is used to timeout a process if no output is produced for the timeout interval.""" count = interval while exe.timing_out: time.sleep(1) if count > 0: count -= 1 exe.lock.acquire() if exe.outputting: count = interval exe.outputting = False exe.lock.release() if count == 0: try: proc.kill() except: pass else: function() break name = os.path.basename(command[0]) stdin_thread = None stdout_thread = None stderr_thread = None timeout_thread = None if proc.stdout: stdout_thread = threading.Thread(target = _readthread, name = '_stdout[%s]' % (name), args = (self, io.open(proc.stdout.fileno(), mode = 'rb', closefd = False), self.output, '')) stdout_thread.daemon = True stdout_thread.start() if proc.stderr: stderr_thread = threading.Thread(target = _readthread, name = '_stderr[%s]' % (name), args = (self, io.open(proc.stderr.fileno(), mode = 'rb', closefd = False), self.output, self.error_prefix)) stderr_thread.daemon = True stderr_thread.start() if self.input and proc.stdin: stdin_thread = threading.Thread(target = _writethread, name = '_stdin[%s]' % (name), args = (self, proc.stdin, self.input)) stdin_thread.daemon = True stdin_thread.start() if timeout: self.timing_out = True timeout_thread = threading.Thread(target = _timerthread, name = '_timeout[%s]' % (name), args = (self, timeout[0], timeout[1])) timeout_thread.daemon = True timeout_thread.start() try: self.lock.acquire() try: self.proc = proc except: raise finally: self.lock.release() exitcode = proc.wait() except: proc.kill() raise finally: self.lock.acquire() try: self.proc = None except: raise finally: self.lock.release() if self.cleanup: self.cleanup(proc) if timeout_thread: self.timing_out = False timeout_thread.join(10) if stdin_thread: stdin_thread.join(2) if stdout_thread: stdout_thread.join(2) if stderr_thread: stderr_thread.join(2) return exitcode def open(self, command, capture = True, shell = False, cwd = None, env = None, stdin = None, stdout = None, stderr = None, timeout = None): """Open a command with arguments. Provide the arguments as a list or a string.""" if self.output is None: raise error.general('capture needs an output handler') cs = command if type(command) is list: def add(x, y): return x + ' ' + str(y) cs = functools.reduce(add, command, '')[1:] what = 'spawn' if shell: what = 'shell' cs = what + ': ' + cs if self.verbose: log.output(what + ': ' + cs) log.trace('exe: %s' % (cs)) if shell and self.shell_exe: command = arg_list(command) command[:0] = self.shell_exe if not stdin and self.input: stdin = subprocess.PIPE if not stdout: stdout = subprocess.PIPE if not stderr: stderr = subprocess.PIPE proc = None if cwd is None: cwd = self.path if env is None: env = self.environment try: # Work around a problem on Windows with commands that # have a '.' and no extension. Windows needs the full # command name. if sys.platform == "win32" and type(command) is list: if command[0].find('.') >= 0: r, e = os.path.splitext(command[0]) if e not in ['.exe', '.com', '.bat']: command[0] = command[0] + '.exe' proc = subprocess.Popen(command, shell = shell, cwd = cwd, env = env, stdin = stdin, stdout = stdout, stderr = stderr, close_fds = False) if not capture: return (0, proc) if self.output is None: raise error.general('capture needs an output handler') exit_code = self.capture(proc, command, timeout) if self.verbose: log.output('exit: ' + str(exit_code)) except OSError as ose: exit_code = ose.errno if self.verbose: log.output('exit: ' + str(ose)) return (exit_code, proc) def spawn(self, command, capture = True, cwd = None, env = None, stdin = None, stdout = None, stderr = None, timeout = None): """Spawn a command with arguments. Provide the arguments as a list or a string.""" return self.open(command, capture, False, cwd, env, stdin, stdout, stderr, timeout) def shell(self, command, capture = True, cwd = None, env = None, stdin = None, stdout = None, stderr = None, timeout = None): """Execute a command within a shell context. The command can contain argumments. The shell is specific to the operating system. For example it is cmd.exe on Windows XP.""" return self.open(command, capture, True, cwd, env, stdin, stdout, stderr, timeout) def command(self, command, args = None, capture = True, shell = False, cwd = None, env = None, stdin = None, stdout = None, stderr = None, timeout = None): """Run the command with the args. The args can be a list or a string.""" if args and not type(args) is list: args = arg_list(args) cmd = [command] if args: cmd.extend(args) return self.open(cmd, capture = capture, shell = shell, cwd = cwd, env = env, stdin = stdin, stdout = stdout, stderr = stderr, timeout = timeout) def command_subst(self, command, substs, capture = True, shell = False, cwd = None, env = None, stdin = None, stdout = None, stderr = None, timeout = None): """Run the command from the config data with the option format string subsituted with the subst variables.""" args = arg_subst(command, substs) return self.command(args[0], args[1:], capture = capture, shell = shell or self.shell_commands, cwd = cwd, env = env, stdin = stdin, stdout = stdout, stderr = stderr, timeout = timeout) def set_shell(self, execute): """Set the shell to execute when issuing a shell command.""" args = arg_list(execute) if len(args) == 0 or not os.path.isfile(args[0]): raise error.general('could find shell: ' + execute) self.shell_exe = args def command_use_shell(self): """Force all commands to use a shell. This can be used with set_shell to allow Unix commands be executed on Windows with a Unix shell such as Cygwin or MSYS. This may cause piping to fail.""" self.shell_commands = True def set_output(self, output): """Set the output handler. The stdout of the last process in a pipe line is passed to this handler.""" old_output = self.output self.output = output return old_output def set_path(self, path): """Set the path changed to before the child process is created.""" old_path = self.path self.path = path return old_path def set_environ(self, environment): """Set the environment passed to the child process when created.""" old_environment = self.environment self.environment = environment return old_environment def kill(self): self.lock.acquire() try: if self.proc is not None: self.proc.kill() except: raise finally: self.lock.release() def terminate(self): self.lock.acquire() try: if self.proc is not None: self.proc.terminate() except: raise finally: self.lock.release() def send_signal(self, signal): self.lock.acquire() try: if self.proc is not None: print("sending sig") self.proc.send_signal(signal) except: raise finally: self.lock.release() class capture_execution(execute): """Capture all output as a string and return it.""" class _output_snapper: def __init__(self, log = None, dump = False): self.output = '' self.log = log self.dump = dump def handler(self, text): if not self.dump: if self.log is not None: self.log.output(text) else: self.output += text def get_and_clear(self): text = self.output self.output = '' return text.strip() def __init__(self, log = None, dump = False, error_prefix = '', verbose = False): self.snapper = capture_execution._output_snapper(log = log, dump = dump) execute.__init__(self, output = self.snapper.handler, error_prefix = error_prefix, verbose = verbose) def open(self, command, capture = True, shell = False, cwd = None, env = None, stdin = None, stdout = None, stderr = None, timeout = None): if not capture: raise error.general('output capture must be true; leave as default') #self.snapper.get_and_clear() exit_code, proc = execute.open(self, command, capture = True, shell = shell, cwd = cwd, env = env, stdin = stdin, stdout = stdout, stderr = stderr, timeout = timeout) return (exit_code, proc, self.snapper.get_and_clear()) def set_output(self, output): raise error.general('output capture cannot be overrided') if __name__ == "__main__": def run_tests(e, commands, use_shell): for c in commands['shell']: e.shell(c) for c in commands['spawn']: e.spawn(c) for c in commands['cmd']: if type(c) is str: e.command(c, shell = use_shell) else: e.command(c[0], c[1], shell = use_shell) for c in commands['csubsts']: e.command_subst(c[0], c[1], shell = use_shell) ec, proc = e.command(commands['pipe'][0], commands['pipe'][1], capture = False, stdin = subprocess.PIPE) if ec == 0: print('piping input into ' + commands['pipe'][0] + ': ' + \ commands['pipe'][2]) try: out = bytes(commands['pipe'][2], sys.stdin.encoding) except: out = commands['pipe'][2] proc.stdin.write(out) proc.stdin.close() e.capture(proc) del proc def capture_output(text): print(text, end = '') cmd_shell_test = ('if "%OS%" == "Windows_NT" (echo It is WinNT) ' 'else echo It is not WinNT') sh_shell_test = ('x="me"; if [ $x = "me" ]; then echo "It was me"; ' 'else "It was him"; fi') commands = {} commands['windows'] = {} commands['unix'] = {} commands['windows']['shell'] = ['cd', 'dir /w', '.\\xyz', cmd_shell_test] commands['windows']['spawn'] = ['hostname', 'hostnameZZ', ['netstat', '/e']] commands['windows']['cmd'] = [('ipconfig'), ('nslookup', 'www.python.org')] commands['windows']['csubsts'] = [('netstat %0', ['-a']), ('netstat %0 %1', ['-a', '-n'])] commands['windows']['pipe'] = ('ftp', None, 'help\nquit') commands['unix']['shell'] = ['pwd', 'ls -las', './xyz', sh_shell_test] commands['unix']['spawn'] = ['ls', 'execute.pyc', ['ls', '-i']] commands['unix']['cmd'] = [('date'), ('date', '-R'), ('date', ['-u', '+%d %D']), ('date', '-u "+%d %D %S"')] commands['unix']['csubsts'] = [('date %0 "+%d %D %S"', ['-u']), ('date %0 %1', ['-u', '+%d %D %S'])] commands['unix']['pipe'] = ('grep', 'hello', 'hello world') print(arg_list('cmd a1 a2 "a3 is a string" a4')) print(arg_list('cmd b1 b2 "b3 is a string a4')) print(arg_subst(['nothing', 'xx-%0-yyy', '%1', '%2-something'], ['subst0', 'subst1', 'subst2'])) e = execute(error_prefix = 'ERR: ', output = capture_output, verbose = True) if sys.platform == "win32": run_tests(e, commands['windows'], False) if os.path.exists('c:\\msys\\1.0\\bin\\sh.exe'): e.set_shell('c:\\msys\\1.0\\bin\\sh.exe --login -c') commands['unix']['pipe'] = ('c:\\msys\\1.0\\bin\\grep', 'hello', 'hello world') run_tests(e, commands['unix'], True) else: run_tests(e, commands['unix'], False) del e