path: root/irq_test/interrupt_pkg.adb
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Diffstat (limited to 'irq_test/interrupt_pkg.adb')
1 files changed, 87 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/irq_test/interrupt_pkg.adb b/irq_test/interrupt_pkg.adb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2097ba8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/irq_test/interrupt_pkg.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+-- This is an example of how to attach and handle interrupts in Ada 95.
+-- Interrupt handling is done as follows:
+-- 1. A protected procedure is attached to the interrupt
+-- 2. When activated, the procedure enables a conditional entry
+-- 3. A task waiting on the entry will carry out the work.
+-- In this way, we spend minimum amount of time in the protected
+-- procedure. Many other schemes are of course possible...
+-- Written by Tullio Vardanega and Jiri Gaisler
+-- European Space Agency, 1999.
+with Ada.Interrupts;
+with System;
+with Ada.Text_IO;
+package body Interrupt_pkg is
+ type T_SEM is (HIGH, LOW);
+ Protected_Priority : constant System.Interrupt_Priority :=
+ System.Interrupt_Priority'First;
+-- Protected object, including interrupt handler (Signal) and conditional entry.
+ protected Handler is
+ procedure Signal;
+ entry Wait;
+ pragma Attach_Handler (Signal, 17); -- Signal 17 equals irq 1 on ERC32
+ pragma Priority (Protected_Priority);
+ private
+ end Handler;
+ protected body Handler is
+ procedure Signal is
+ begin
+ end Signal;
+ entry Wait when (BARRIER = LOW) is
+ begin
+ end Wait;
+ end Handler;
+-- Sporadic task, waiting on entry (Wait) for the interrupt.
+ task sporadic is
+ pragma Priority (8);
+ end sporadic;
+ task body sporadic is
+ Message : constant STRING :=
+ "sporadic activated";
+ begin
+ loop
+ Handler.Wait;
+ Ada.Text_IO.Put_line (Message);
+ end loop;
+ end sporadic;
+-- Test program, generating interrupt 1 on ERC32
+ procedure itest is
+ procedure irqforce(irq : integer);
+ pragma Import (C, irqforce, "irqforce");
+ begin
+ for i in 1..10 loop
+ irqforce(1);
+ delay(0.05);
+ end loop;
+ -- Have to kill sporadic to exit since it is has an infinite loop
+ abort sporadic;
+ end;
+ itest;
+end Interrupt_pkg;