path: root/benchmarks/nbench/nbench-byte-2.2.3/bdoc.txt
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+This is release 2 of BYTE Magazine's BYTEmark benchmark program (previously
+known as BYTE's Native Mode Benchmarks). This document covers the Native
+Mode (a.k.a. Algorithm Level) tests; benchmarks designed to expose the
+capabilities of a system's CPU, FPU, and memory system. Another group of
+benchmarks within the BYTEmark suite includes the Application Simulation
+Benchmarks. They are detailed in a separate document. [NOTE: The
+documentation for the Application simulation benchmarks should appear before
+the end of March, 95. -- RG].
+The Tests
+The Native Mode portion of the BYTEmark consists of a number of well-known
+algorithms; some BYTE has used before in earlier versions of the benchmark,
+others are new. The complete suite consists of 10 tests:
+Numeric sort - Sorts an array of 32-bit integers.
+String sort - Sorts an array of strings of arbitrary length.
+Bitfield - Executes a variety of bit manipulation functions.
+Emulated floating-point - A small software floating-point package.
+Fourier coefficients - A numerical analysis routine for calculating series
+approximations of waveforms.
+Assignment algorithm - A well-known task allocation algorithm.
+Huffman compression - A well-known text and graphics compression algorithm.
+IDEA encryption - A relatively new block cipher algorithm.
+Neural Net - A small but functional back-propagation network simulator.
+LU Decomposition - A robust algorithm for solving linear equations.
+A more complete description of each test can be found in later sections of
+this document.
+BYTE built the BYTEmark with the multiplatform world foremost in mind. There
+were, of course, other considerations that we kept high on the list:
+Real-world algorithms. The algorithms should actually do something. Previous
+benchmarks often moved gobs of bytes from one point to another, added or
+subtracted piles and piles of numbers, or (in some cases) actually executed
+NOP instructions. We should not belittle those tests of yesterday, they had
+their place. However, we think it better that tests be based on activities
+that are more complex in nature.
+Easy to port. All the benchmarks are written in "vanilla" ANSI C. This
+provides us with the best chance of moving them quickly and accurately to
+new processors and operating systems as they appear. It also simplifies
+This means that as new 64-bit (and, perhaps, 128-bit) processors appear, the
+benchmarks can test them as soon as a compiler is available.
+Comprehensive. The algorithms were derived from a variety of sources. Some
+are routines that BYTE had been using for some time. Others are routines
+derived from well-known texts in the computer science world. Furthermore,
+the algorithms differ in structure. Some simply "walk" sequentially through
+one-dimensional arrays. Others build and manipulate two-dimensional arrays.
+Finally, some benchmarks are "integer" tests, while others exercise the
+floating-point coprocessor (if one is available).
+Scalable. We wanted these benchmarks to be useful across as wide a variety
+of systems as possible. We also wanted to give them a lifetime beyond the
+next wave of new processors.
+To that end, we incorporated "dynamic workload adjustment." A complete
+description of this appears in a later section. In a nutshell, this allows
+the tests to "expand or contract" depending on the capabilities of the
+system under test, all the while providing consistent results so that fair
+and accurate comparisons are possible.
+Honesty In Advertising
+We'd be lying if we said that the BYTEmark was all the benchmarking that
+anyone would ever need to run on a system. It would be equally inaccurate to
+suggest that the tests are completely free of inadequacies. There are many
+things the tests do not do, there are shortcomings, and there are problems.
+BYTE will continue to improve the BYTEmark. The source code is freely
+available, and we encourage vendors and users to examine the routines and
+provide us with their feedback. In this way, we assure fairness,
+comprehensiveness, and accuracy.
+Still, as we mentioned, there are some shortcomings. Here are those we
+consider the most significant. Keep them in mind as you examine the results
+of the benchmarks now and in the future.
+At the mercy of C compilers. Being written in ANSI C, the benchmark program
+is highly portable. This is a reflection of the "world we live in." If this
+were a one-processor world, we might stand a chance at hand-crafting a
+benchmark in assembly language. (At one time, that's exactly what BYTE did.)
+Not today, no way.
+The upshot is that the benchmarks must be compiled. For broadest coverage,
+we selected ANSI C. And when they're compiled, the resulting executable's
+performance can be highly dependent on the capabilities of the C compiler.
+Today's benchmark results can be blown out of the water tomorrow if someone
+new enters the scene with an optimizing strategy that outperforms existing
+This concern is not easily waved off. It will require you to keep careful
+track of compiler version and optimization switches. As BYTE builds its
+database of benchmark results, version number and switch setting will become
+an integral part of that data. This will be true for published information
+as well, so that you can make comparisons fairly and accurately. BYTE will
+control the distribution of test results so that all relevant compiler
+information is attached to the data.
+As a faint justification -- for those who think this situation results in
+"polluted" tests -- we should point out that we are in the same boat as all
+the other developers (at least, all those using C compilers -- and that's
+quite a sizeable group). If the only C compilers for a given system happen
+to be poor ones, everyone suffers. It's a fact that a given platform's
+ultimate potential depends as much on the development software available as
+on the technical achievements of the hardware design.
+It's just CPU and FPU. It's very tempting to try to capture the performance
+of a machine in a single number. That has never been possible -- though it's
+been tried a lot -- and the gap between that ideal and reality will forever
+These benchmarks are meant to expose the theoretical upper limit of the CPU,
+FPU, and memory architecture of a system. They cannot measure video, disk,
+or network throughput (those are the domains of a different set of
+benchmarks). You should, therefore, use the results of these tests as part,
+not all, of any evaluation of a system.
+Single threaded. Currently, each benchmark test uses only a single execution
+thread. It's unlikely that you'll find any modern operating system that does
+not have some multitasking component. How a system "scales" as more tasks
+are run simultaneously is an effect that the current benchmarks cannot
+BYTE is working on a future version of the tests that will solve this
+The tests are synthetic. This quite reasonable argument is based on the fact
+that people don't run benchmarks for a living, they run applications.
+Consequently, the only true measure of a system is how well it performs
+whatever applications you will be running. This, in fact, is the philosophy
+behind the BAPCo benchmarks.
+This is not a point with which we would disagree. BYTE regularly makes use
+of a variety of application benchmarks. None of this suggests, however, that
+the BYTEmark benchmarks serve no purpose.
+BYTEmark's results should be used as predictors. They can be moved to a new
+platform long before native applications will be ported. The BYTEmark
+benchmarks will therefore provide an early look at the potential of the
+machine. Additionally, the BYTEmark permits you to "home in" on an aspect of
+the overall architecture. How well does the system perform when executing
+floating-point computations? Does its memory architecture help or hinder the
+management of memory buffers that may fall on arbitrary address boundaries?
+How does the cache work with a program whose memory access favors moving
+randomly through memory as opposed to moving sequentially through memory?
+The answers to these questions can give you a good idea of how well a system
+would support a particular class of applications. Only a synthetic benchmark
+can give the narrow view necessary to find the answers.
+Dynamic Workloads
+Our long history of benchmarking has taught us one thing above all others:
+Tomorrow's system will go faster than today's by an amount exceeding your
+wildest guess -- and then some. Dealing with this can become an unending
+It goes like this: You design a benchmark algorithm, you specify its
+parameters (how big the array is, how many loops, etc.), you run it on
+today's latest super-microcomputer, collect your data, and go home. A new
+machine arrives the next day, you run your benchmark, and discover that the
+test executes so quickly that the resolution of the clock routine you're
+using can't keep up with it (i.e., the test is over and done before the
+system clock even has a chance to tick).
+If you modify your routine, the figures you collected yesterday are no good.
+If you create a better clock routine by sneaking down into the system
+hardware, you can kiss portability goodbye.
+The BYTEmark benchmarks solve this problem by a process we'll refer to as
+"dynamic workload adjustment." In principle, it simply means that if the
+test runs so fast that the system clock can't time it, the benchmark
+increases the test workload -- and keeps increasing it -- until enough time
+is consumed to gather reliable test results.
+Here's an example.
+The BYTEmark benchmarks perform timing using a "stopwatch" paradigm. The
+routine StartStopwatch() begins timing; StopStopwatch() ends timing and
+reports the elapsed time in clock ticks. Now, "clock ticks" is a value that
+varies from system to system. We'll presume that our test system provides
+1000 clock ticks per second. (We'll also presume that the system actually
+updates its clock 1000 times per second. Surprisingly, some systems don't do
+that. One we know of will tell you that the clock provides 100 ticks per
+second, but updates the clock in 5- or 6-tick increments. The resolution is
+no better than somewhere around 1/18th of a second.) Here, when we say
+"system" we mean not only the computer system, but the environment provided
+by the C compiler. Interestingly, different C compilers for the same system
+will report different clock ticks per second.
+Built into the benchmarks is a global variable called GLOBALMINTICKS. This
+variable is the minimum number of clock ticks that the benchmark will allow
+StopStopwatch() to report.
+Suppose you run the Numeric Sort benchmark. The benchmark program will
+construct an array filled with random numbers, call StartStopwatch(), sort
+the array, and call StopStopwatch(). If the time reported in StopStopwatch()
+is less than GLOBALMINTICKS, then the benchmark will build two arrays, and
+try again. If sorting two arrays took less time than GLOBALMINTICKS, the
+process repeats with more arrays.
+This goes on until the benchmark makes enough work so that an interval
+between StartStopwatch() and StopStopwatch() exceeds GLOBALMINTICKS. Once
+that happens, the test is actually run, and scores are calculated.
+Notice that the benchmark didn't make bigger arrays, it made more arrays.
+That's because the time taken by the sort test does not increase linearly as
+the array grows, it increases by a factor of N*log(N) (where N is the size
+of the array).
+This principle is applied to all the benchmark tests. A machine with a less
+accurate clock may be forced to sort more arrays at a time, but the results
+are given in arrays per second. In this way fast machines, slow machines,
+machines with accurate clocks, machines with less accurate clocks, can all
+be tested with the same code.
+Confidence Intervals
+Another built-in feature of the BYTEmark is a set of statistical-analysis
+routines. Running benchmarks is one thing; the question arises as to how
+many times should a test be run until you know you have a good sampling.
+Also, can you determine whether the test is stable (i.e., do results vary
+widely from one execution of the benchmark to the next)?
+The BYTEmark keeps score as follows: Each test (a test being a numeric
+sort, a string sort, etc.) is run five times. These five scores are
+averaged, the standard deviation is determined, and a 95% confidence
+half-interval for the mean is calculated (using the student t
+distribution). This tells us that the true average lies -- with a 95%
+probability -- within plus or minus the confidence half-interval of
+the calculated average. If this half-interval is within 5% of the
+calculated average, the benchmarking stops. Otherwise, a new test is
+run and the calculations are repeated with all of the runs done so
+far, including the new one. The benchmark proceeds this way up to a
+total of 30 runs. If the length of the half-interval is still bigger
+than 5% of the calculated average then a warning issued that the
+results might not be statistically certain before the average is
+** Fixed a statistical bug here. Uwe F. Mayer
+The upshot is that, for each benchmark test, the true average is -- with a
+95% level of confidence -- within 5% of the average reported. Here, the
+"true average" is the average we would get were we able to run the tests
+over and over again an infinite number of times.
+This specification ensures that the calculation of results is controlled;
+that someone running the tests in California will use the same technique for
+determining benchmark results as someone running the tests in New York.
+In case there is uneven system load due to other processes while this
+benchmark suite executes, it might take longer to run the benchmark suite
+as compared to a run an unloaded system. This is because the benchmark does
+some statistical analysis to make sure that the reported results are
+statistically significant (as explained above), and a high variation in
+individual runs requires more runs to achieve the required statistical
+*** added last the paragraph, Uwe F. Mayer
+Interpreting Results
+Of course, running the benchmarks can present you with a boatload of data.
+It can get mystifying, and some of the more esoteric statistical information
+is valuable only to a limited audience. The big question is: What does it
+all mean?
+First, we should point out that the BYTEmark reports both "raw" and indexed
+scores for each test. The raw score for a particular test amounts to the
+"iterations per second" of that test. For example, the numeric sort test
+reports as its raw score the number of arrays it was able to sort per
+The indexed score is the raw score of the system under test divided by the
+raw score obtained on the baseline machine. As of this release, the
+baseline machine is a DELL 90 Mhz Pentium XPS/90 with 16 MB of RAM and 256K
+of external processor cache. (The compiler used was the Watcom C/C++ 10.0
+compiler; optimizations set to "fastest possible code", 4-byte structure
+alignment, Pentium code generation with Pentium register-based calling. The
+operating system was MSDOS.) The indexed score serves to "normalize" the
+raw scores, reducing their dynamic range and making them easier to
+grasp. Simply put, if your machine has an index score of 2.0 on the numeric
+sort test, it performed that test twice as fast as this 90 Mhz Pentium.
+If you run all the tests (as you'll see, it is possible to perform "custom
+runs", which execute only a subset of the tests) the BYTEmark will also
+produce two overall index figures: Integer index and Floating-point index.
+The Integer index is the geometric mean of those tests that involve only
+integer processing -- numeric sort, string sort, bitfield, emulated
+floating-point, assignment, Huffman, and IDEA -- while the Floating-point
+index is the geometric mean of those tests that require the floating-point
+coprocessor -- Fourier, neural net, and LU decomposition. You can use these
+scores to get a general feel for the performance of the machine under test
+as compared to the baseline 90 Mhz Pentium.
+The Linux/Unix port has a second baseline machine, it is an AMD K6/233 with
+32 MB RAM and 512 KB L2-cache running Linux 2.0.32 and using GNU gcc
+version and libc-5.4.38. The integer index was split as suggested
+by Andrew D. Balsa <>, and reflects the realization that
+memory management is important in CPU design. The original tests have been
+left alone, however, the geometric mean of the tests NUMERIC SORT, FP
+EMULATION, IDEA, and HUFFMAN now constitutes the integer-arithmetic focused
+benchmark index, while the geometric mean of the tests STRING SORT,
+BITFIELD, and ASSIGNMENT makes up the new memory index. The floating point
+index has been left alone, it is still the geometric mean of FOURIER,
+*** added the section on Linux, Uwe F. Mayer
+What follows is a list of the benchmarks and associated brief remarks that
+describe what the tests do: What they exercise; what a "good" result or a
+"bad" result means. Keep in mind that, in this expanding universe of faster
+processors, bigger caches, more elaborate memory architectures, "good" and
+"bad" are indeed relative terms. A good score on today's hot new processor
+will be a bad score on tomorrow's hot new processor.
+These remarks are based on empirical data and profiling that we have done to
+date. (NOTE: The profiling is limited to Intel and Motorola 68K on this
+release. As more data is gathered, we will be refining this section.
+Benchmark Description
+Numeric sort Generic integer performance. Should
+ exercise non-sequential performance
+ of cache (or memory if cache is less
+ than 8K). Moves 32-bit longs at a
+ time, so 16-bit processors will be
+ at a disadvantage.
+String sort Tests memory-move performance.
+ Should exercise non-sequential
+ performance of cache, with added
+ burden that moves are byte-wide and
+ can occur on odd address boundaries.
+ May tax the performance of
+ cell-based processors that must
+ perform additional shift operations
+ to deal with bytes.
+Bitfield Exercises "bit twiddling"
+ performance. Travels through memory
+ in a somewhat sequential fashion;
+ different from sorts in that data is
+ merely altered in place. If
+ properly compiled, takes into
+ account 64-bit processors, which
+ should see a boost.
+Emulated F.P. Past experience has shown this test
+ to be a good measurement of overall
+ performance.
+Fourier Good measure of transcendental and
+ trigonometric performance of FPU.
+ Little array activity, so this test
+ should not be dependent of cache or
+ memory architecture.
+Assignment The test moves through large integer
+ arrays in both row-wise and
+ column-wise fashion. Cache/memory
+ with good sequential performance
+ should see a boost (memory is
+ altered in place -- no moving as in
+ a sort operation). Processing is
+ done in 32-bit chunks -- no
+ advantage given to 64-bit
+ processors.
+Huffman A combination of byte operations,
+ bit twiddling, and overall integer
+ manipulation. Should be a good
+ general measurement.
+IDEA Moves through data sequentially in
+ 16-bit chunks. Should provide a
+ good indication of raw speed.
+Neural Net Small-array floating-point test
+ heavily dependent on the exponential
+ function; less dependent on overall
+ FPU performance. Small arrays, so
+ cache/memory architecture should not
+ come into play.
+LU decomposition. A floating-point test that moves
+ through arrays in both row-wise and
+ column-wise fashion. Exercises only
+ fundamental math operations (+, -,
+ *, /).
+The Command File
+The BYTEmark program allows you to override many of its default parameters
+using a command file. The command file also lets you request statistical
+information, as well as specify an output file to hold the test results for
+later use.
+You identify the command file using a command-line argument. E.G.,
+tells the benchmark program to read from COMFILE.DAT in the current
+The content of the command file is simply a series of parameter names and
+values, each on a single line. The parameters control internal variables
+that are either global in nature (i.e., they effect all tests in the
+program) or are specific to a given benchmark test.
+The parameters are listed in a reference guide that follows, arranged in the
+following groups:
+Global Parameters
+Numeric Sort
+String Sort
+Emulated floating-point
+Fourier coefficients
+Assignment algorithm
+IDEA encryption
+Huffman compression
+Neural net
+LU decomposition
+As mentioned above, those items listed under "Global Parameters" affect all
+tests; the rest deal with specific benchmarks. There is no required ordering
+to parameters as they appear in the command file. You can specify them in
+any sequence you wish.
+You should be judicious in your use of a command file. Some parameters will
+override the "dynamic workload" adjustment that each test performs. Doing
+this completely bypasses the benchmark code that is designed to produce an
+accurate reading from your system clock. Other parameters will alter default
+settings, yielding test results that cannot be compared with published
+benchmark results.
+A Sample Command File
+Suppose you built a command file that contained the following:
+Here's what this file tells the benchmark program:
+ALLSTATS=T means that you've requested a "dump" of all the statistics the
+test gathers. This includes not only the standard deviations of tests run,
+it also produces test-specific information such as the number of arrays
+built, the array size, etc.
+CUSTOMRUN=T tells the system that this is a custom run. Only tests
+explicitly specified will be executed.
+OUTFILE=D:\DATA.DAT will write the output of the benchmark to the file
+DATA.DAT on the root of the D: drive. (If DATA.DAT already exists, output
+will be appended to the file.)
+DONUMSORT=T tells the system to run the numeric sort benchmark. (This was
+necessary on account of the CUSTOMRUN=T line, above.)
+DOLU=T tells the system to run the LU decomposition benchmark.
+Command File Parameters Reference
+(NOTE: Altering some global parameters can invalidate results for comparison
+purposes. Those parameters are indicated in the following section by a bold
+asterisk (*). If you alter any parameters so indicated, you may NOT publish
+the resulting data as BYTEmark scores.)
+Global Parameters
+This overrides the default global_min_ticks value (defined in NBENCH1.H).
+The global_min_ticks value is defined as the minimum number of clock ticks
+per iteration of a particular benchmark. For example, if global_min_ticks is
+set to 100 and the numeric sort benchmark is run; each iteration MUST take
+at least 100 ticks, or the system will expand the work-per-iteration.
+Sets the minimum number of seconds any particular test will run. This has
+the effect of controlling the number of repetitions done. Default: 5.
+Set this flag to T for a "dump" of all statistics. The information displayed
+varies from test to test. Default: F.
+Specifies that output should go to the specified output file. Any test
+results and statistical data displayed on-screen will also be written to the
+file. If the file does not exist, it will be created; otherwise, new output
+will be appended to an existing file. This allows you to "capture" several
+runs into a single file for later review.
+Note: the path should not appear in quotes. For example, something like the
+following would work: OUTFILE=C:\BENCH\DUMP.DAT
+Set this flag to T for a custom run. A "custom run" means that the program
+will run only the benchmark tests that you explicitly specify. So, use this
+flag to run a subset of the tests. Default: F.
+Numeric Sort
+Indicates whether to do the numeric sort. Default is T, unless this is a
+custom run (CUSTOMRUN=T), in which case default is F.
+Indicates the number of numeric arrays the system will build. Setting this
+value will override the program's "dynamic workload" adjustment for this
+Indicates the number of elements in each numeric array. Default is 8001
+entries. (NOTE: Altering this value will invalidate the test for comparison
+purposes. The performance of the numeric sort test is not related to the
+array size as a linear function; i.e., an array twice as big will not take
+twice as long. The relationship involves a logarithmic function.)*
+Overrides MINSECONDS for the numeric sort test.
+String Sort
+Indicates whether to do the string sort. Default is T, unless this is a
+custom run (CUSTOMRUN=T), in which case the default is F.
+Sets the size of the string array. Default is 8111. (NOTE: Altering this
+value will invalidate the test for comparison purposes. The performance of
+the string sort test is not related to the array size as a linear function;
+i.e., an array twice as big will not take twice as long. The relationship
+involves a logarithmic function.)*
+Sets the number of string arrays that will be created to run the test.
+Setting this value will override the program's "dynamic workload" adjustment
+for this test.*
+Overrides MINSECONDS for the string sort test.
+Indicates whether to do the bitfield test. Default is T, unless this is a
+custom run (CUSTOMRUN=T), in which case the default is F.
+Sets the number of bitfield operations that will be performed. Setting this
+value will override the program's "dynamic workload" adjustment for this
+Sets the number of 32-bit elements in the bitfield arrays. The default value
+is dependent on the size of a long as defined by the current compiler. For a
+typical compiler that defines a long to be 32 bits, the default is 32768.
+(NOTE: Altering this parameter will invalidate test results for comparison
+Overrides MINSECONDS for the bitfield test.
+Emulated floating-point
+Indicates whether to do the emulated floating-point test. Default is T,
+unless this is a custom run (CUSTOMRUN=T), in which case the default is F.
+Sets the size (number of elements) of the emulated floating-point benchmark.
+Default is 3000. The test builds three arrays, each of equal size. This
+parameter sets the number of elements for EACH array. (NOTE: Altering this
+parameter will invalidate test results for comparison purposes.)*
+Sets the number of loops per iteration of the floating-point test. Setting
+this value will override the program's "dynamic workload" adjustment for
+this test.*
+Overrides MINSECONDS for the emulated floating-point test.
+Fourier coefficients
+Indicates whether to do the Fourier test. Default is T, unless this is a
+custom run (CUSTOMRUN=T), in which case the default is F.
+Sets the size of the array for the Fourier test. This sets the number of
+coefficients the test will derive. NOTE: Specifying this value will override
+the system's "dynamic workload" adjustment for this test, and may make the
+results invalid for comparison purposes.*
+Overrides MINSECONDS for the Fourier test.
+Assignment Algorithm
+Indicates whether to do the assignment algorithm test. Default is T, unless
+this is a custom run (CUSTOMRUN=T), in which case the default is F.
+Indicates the number of arrays that will be built for the test. Specifying
+this value will override the system's "dynamic workload" adjustment for this
+test. (NOTE: The size of the arrays in the assignment algorithm is fixed at
+101 x 101. Altering the array size requires adjusting global constants and
+recompiling; to do so, however, would invalidate test results.)*
+Overrides MINSECONDS for the assignment algorithm test.
+IDEA encryption
+Indicates whether to do the IDEA encryption test. Default is T, unless this
+is a custom run (CUSTOMRUN=T), in which case the default is F.
+Sets the size of the plain-text character array that will be encrypted by the
+test. Default is 4000. The benchmark actually builds 3 arrays: 1st
+plain-text, encrypted version, and 2nd plain-text. The 2nd plain-text array is
+the destination for the decryption process [part of the test]. All arrays
+are set to the same size. (NOTE: Specifying this value will invalidate test
+results for comparison purposes.)*
+Indicates the number of loops in the IDEA test. Specifying this value will
+override the system's "dynamic workload" adjustment for this test.*
+Overrides MINSECONDS for the IDEA test.
+Huffman compression
+Indicates whether to do the Huffman test. Default is T, unless this is a
+custom run (CUSTOMRUN=T), in which case the default is F.
+Sets the size of the string buffer that will be compressed using the Huffman
+test. The default is 5000. (NOTE: Altering this value will invalidate test
+results for comparison purposes.)*
+Sets the number of loops in the Huffman test. Specifying this value will
+override the system's "dynamic workload" adjustment for this test.*
+Overrides MINSECONDS for the Huffman test.
+Neural net
+Indicates whether to do the Neural Net test. Default is T, unless this is a
+custom run (CUSTOMRUN=T), in which case the default is F.
+Sets the number of loops in the Neural Net test. NOTE: Altering this value
+overrides the benchmark's "dynamic workload" adjustment algorithm, and may
+invalidate the results for comparison purposes.*
+Overrides MINSECONDS for the Neural Net test.
+LU decomposition
+Indicates whether to do the LU decomposition test. Default is T, unless this
+is a custom run (CUSTOMRUN=T), in which case the default is F.
+Sets the number of arrays in each iteration of the LU decomposition test.
+Specifying this value will override the system's "dynamic workload"
+adjustment for this test.*
+Overrides MINSECONDS for the LU decomposition test.
+Numeric Sort
+This benchmark is designed to explore how well the system sorts a numeric
+array. In this case, a numeric array is a one-dimensional collection of
+signed, 32-bit integers. The actual sorting is performed by a heapsort
+algorithm (see the text box following for a description of the heapsort
+It's probably unnecessary to point out (but we'll do it anyway) that sorting
+is a fundamental operation in computer application software. You'll likely
+find sorting routines nestled deep inside a variety of applications;
+everything from database systems to operating-systems kernels.
+The numeric sort benchmark reports the number of arrays it was able to sort
+per second. The array size is set by a global constant (it can be overridden
+by the command file -- see below).
+Optimized 486 code: Profiling of the numeric sort benchmark using Watcom's
+profiler (Watcom C/C++ 10.0) indicates that the algorithm spends most of its
+time in the numsift() function (specifically, about 90% of the benchmark's
+time takes place in numsift()). Within numsift(), two if statements dominate
+time spent:
+if(array[k]<array[k+1L]) and if(array[i]<array[k])
+Both statements involve indexes into arrays, so it's likely the processor is
+spending a lot of time resolving the array references. (Though both
+statements involve "less-than" comparisons, we doubt that much time is
+consumed in performing the signed compare operation.) Though the first
+statement involves array elements that are adjacent to one another, the
+second does not. In fact, the second statement will probably involve
+elements that are far apart from one another during early passes through the
+sifting process. We expect that systems whose caching system pre-fetches
+contiguous elements (often in "burst" line fills) will not have any great
+advantage of systems without pre-fetch mechanisms.
+Similar results were found when we profiled the numeric sort algorithm under
+the Borland C/C++ compiler.
+680x0 Code (Macintosh CodeWarrior): CodeWarrior's profiler is function
+based; consequently, it does not allow for line-by-line analysis as does the
+Watcom compiler's profiler.
+However, the CodeWarrior profiler does give us enough information to note
+that NumSift() only accounts for about 28% of the time consumed by the
+benchmark. The outer routine, NumHeapSort() accounts for around 71% of the
+time taken. It will require additional analysis to determine why the two
+compilers -- Watcom and CodeWarrior divide the workload so differently. (It
+may have something to do with compiler architecture, or the act of profiling
+the code may produce results that are significantly different than how the
+program runs under normal conditions, though that would lead one to wonder
+what use profilers would be.)
+Porting Considerations
+The numeric sort routine should represent a trivial porting exercise. It is
+not an overly large benchmark in terms of source code. Additionally, the
+only external routines it calls on are for allocating and releasing memory,
+and managing the stopwatch.
+The numeric sort benchmark depends on the following global definitions (note
+that these may be overridden by the command file):
+NUMNUMARRAYS -- Sets the upper limit on the number of arrays that the
+benchmark will attempt to build. The numeric sort benchmark creates work for
+itself by requiring the system to sort more and more arrays...not bigger and
+bigger arrays. (The latter case would skew results, because the sorting time
+for heapsort is N log2 N - e.g., doubling the array size does not double the
+sort time.) This constant sets the upper limit to the number of arrays the
+system will build before it signals an error. The default value is 100, and
+may be changed if your system exceeds this limit.
+NUMARRAYSIZE - Determines the size of each array built. It has been set to
+8111L and should not be tampered with. The command file entry
+NUMARRAYSIZE=<n> can be used to change this value, but results produced by
+doing this will make your results incompatible with other runs of the
+benchmark (since results will be skewed -- see preceding paragraph).
+To test for a correct execution of the numeric sort benchmark, #define the
+DEBUG symbol. This will enable code that verifies that arrays are properly
+sorted. You should run the benchmark program using a command file that has
+only the numeric sort test enabled. If there is an error, the program will
+display "SORT ERROR" (If this happens, it's possible that tons of "SORT
+ERROR" messages will be emitted, so it's best not to redirect output to a
+file), otherwise it will print "Numeric sort: OK" (also quite a few times).
+Gonnet, G.H. 1984, Handbook of Algorithms and Data Structures (Reading, MA:
+Knuth, Donald E. 1968, Fundamental Algorithms, vol 1 of The Art of Computer
+Programming (Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley).
+Press, William H., Flannery, Brian P., Teukolsky, Saul A., and Vetterling,
+William T. 1989, Numerical Recipes in Pascal (Cambridge: Cambridge
+University Press).
+The heapsort algorithm is well-covered in a number of the popular
+computer-science textbooks. In fact, it gets a pat on the back in Numerical
+Recipes (Press et. al.), where the authors write:
+Heapsort is our favorite sorting routine. It can be recommended
+wholeheartedly for a variety of sorting applications. It is a true
+"in-place" sort, requiring no auxiliary storage.
+Heapsort works by building the array into a kind of a queue called a heap.
+You can imagine this heap as being a form of in-memory binary tree. The
+topmost (root) element of the tree is the element that -- were the array
+sorted -- would be the largest element in the array. Sorting takes place by
+first constructing the heap, then pulling the root off the tree, promoting
+the next largest element to the root, pulling it off, and so on. (The
+promotion process is known as "sifting up.")
+Heapsort executes in N log2 N time even in its worst case. Unlike some other
+sorting algorithms, it does not benefit from a partially sorted array
+(though Gonnet does refer to a variation of heapsort, called "smoothsort,"
+which does -- see references).
+String Sort
+This benchmark is designed to gauge how well the system moves bytes around.
+By that we mean, how well the system can copy a string of bytes from one
+location to another; source and destination being aligned to arbitrary
+addresses. (This is unlike the numeric sort array, which moves bytes
+longword-at-a-time.) The strings themselves are built so as to be of random
+length, ranging from no fewer than 4 bytes and no greater than 80 bytes. The
+mixture of random lengths means that processors will be forced to deal with
+strings that begin and end on arbitrary address boundaries.
+The string sort benchmark uses the heapsort algorithm; this is the same
+algorithm as is used in the numeric sort benchmark (see the sidebar on the
+heapsort for a detailed description of the algorithm).
+Manipulation of the strings is actually handled by two arrays. One array
+holds the strings themselves; the other is a pointers array. Each member of
+the pointers array carries an offset that points into the string array, so
+that the ith pointer carries the offset to the ith string. This allows the
+benchmark to rapidly locate the position of the ith string. (The sorting
+algorithm requires exchanges of items that might be "distant" from one
+another in the array. It's critical that the routine be able to rapidly find
+a string based on its indexed position in the array.)
+The string sort benchmark reports the number of string arrays it was able to
+sort per second. The size of the array is set by a global constant.
+Optimized 486 code (Watcom C/C++ 10.0): Profiling of the string sort
+benchmark indicates that it spends most of its time in the C library routine
+memmove(). Within that routine, most of the execution is consumed by a pair
+of instructions: rep movsw and rep movsd. These are repeated string move --
+word width and repeated string move -- doubleword width, respectively.
+This is precisely where we want to see the time spent. It's interesting to
+note that the memmove() of the particular compiler/profiler tested (Watcom
+C/C++ 10.0) was "smart" enough to do most of the moving on word or
+doubleword boundaries. The string sort benchmark specifically sets arbitrary
+boundaries, so we'd expect to see lots of byte-wide moves. The "smart"
+memmove() is able to move bytes only when it has to, and does the remainder
+of the work via words and doublewords (which can move more bits at a time).
+680x0 Code (Macintosh CodeWarrior): Because CodeWarrior's profiler is
+function based, it is impossible to get an idea of how much time the test
+spends in library routines such as memmove(). Fortunately, as an artifact of
+the early version of the benchmark, the string sort algorithm makes use of
+the MoveMemory() routine in the sysspec.c file (system specific routines).
+This call, on anything other than a 16-bit DOS system, calls memmove()
+directly. Hence, we can get a good approximation of how much time is spent
+moving bytes.
+The answer is that nearly 78% of the benchmark's time is consumed by
+MoveMemory(), the rest being taken up by the other routines (the
+str_is_less() routine, which performs string comparisons, takes about 7% of
+the time). As above, we can guess that most of the benchmark's time is
+dependent on the performance of the library's memmove() routine.
+Porting Considerations
+As with the numeric sort routine, the string sort benchmark should be simple
+to port. Simpler, in fact. The string sort benchmark routine is not
+dependent on any typedef that may change from machine to machine (unless a
+char type is not 8 bits).
+The string sort benchmark depends on the following global definitions:
+NUMSTRARRAYS - Sets the upper limit on the number of arrays that the
+benchmark will attempt to build. The string sort benchmark creates work for
+itself by requiring the system to sort more and more arrays, not bigger and
+bigger arrays. (See section on Numeric Sort for an explanation.) This
+constant sets the upper limit to the number of arrays the system will build
+before it signals an error. The default value is 100, and may be changed if
+your system exceeds this limit.
+STRARRAYSIZE - Sets the default size of the string arrays built. We say
+"arrays" because, as with the numeric sort benchmark, the system adds work
+not by expanding the size of the array, but by adding more arrays. This
+value is set to 8111, and should not be modified, since results would not be
+comparable with other runs of the same benchmark on other machines.
+To test for a correct execution of the string sort benchmark, #define
+the DEBUG symbol. This will enable code that verifies the arrays are
+properly sorted. Set up a command file that runs only the string sort,
+and execute the benchmark program. If the routine is operating
+properly, the benchmark will print "String sort: OK", this message is
+printed quite often. Otherwise, the program will display "SORT ERROR"
+for each pair of strings it finds out of order (which can be really
+See the references for the Numeric Sort benchmark.
+Bitfield Operations
+The purpose of this benchmark is to explore how efficiently the system
+executes operations that deal with "twiddling bits." The test is set up to
+simulate a "bit map"; a data structure used to keep track of storage usage.
+(Don't confuse this meaning of "bitmap" with its use in describing a
+graphics data structure.)
+Systems often use bit maps to keep an inventory of memory blocks or (more
+frequently) disk blocks. In the case of a bit map that manages disk usage,
+an operating system will set aside a buffer in memory so that each bit in
+that buffer corresponds to a block on the disk drive. A 0 bit means that the
+corresponding block is free; a 1 bit means the block is in use. Whenever a
+file requests a new block of disk storage, the operating system searches the
+bit map for the first 0 bit, sets the bit (to indicate that the block is now
+spoken for), and returns the number of the corresponding disk block to the
+requesting file.
+These types of operations are precisely what this test simulates. A block of
+memory is set allocated for the bit map. Another block of memory is
+allocated, and set up to hold a series of "bit map commands". Each bitmap
+command tells the simulation to do 1 of 3 things:
+1) Clear a series of consecutive bits,
+2) Set a series of consecutive bits, or
+3) Complement (1->0 and 0->1) a series of consecutive bits.
+The bit map command block is loaded with a set of random bit map commands
+(each command covers an random number of bits), and simulation routine steps
+sequentially through the command block, grabbing a command and executing it.
+The bitfield benchmark reports the number of bits it was able to operate on
+per second. The size of the bit map is constant; the bitfield operations
+array is adjusted based on the capabilities of the processor. (See the
+section describing the auto-adjust feature of the benchmarks.)
+Optimized 486 code: Using the Watcom C/C++ 10.0 profiler, the Bitfield
+benchmark appears to spend all of its time in two routines: ToggleBitRun()
+(74% of the time) and DoBitFieldIteration() (24% of the time). We say
+"appears" because this is misleading, as we will explain.
+First, it is important to recall that the test performs one of three
+operations for each run of bits (see above). The routine ToggleBitRun()
+handles two of those three operations: setting a run of bits and clearing a
+run of bits. An if() statement inside ToggleBitRun() decides which of the
+two operations is performed. (Speed freaks will quite rightly point out that
+this slows the entire algorithm. ToggleBitRun() is called by a switch()
+statement which has already decided whether bits should be set or cleared;
+it's a waste of time to have ToggleBitRun() have to make that decision yet
+DoBitFieldIteration() is the "outer" routine that calls ToggleBitRun().
+DoBitFieldIteration() also calls FlipBitRun(). This latter routine is the
+one that performs the third bitfield operation: complementing a run of bits.
+FlipBitRun() gets no "air time" at all (while DoBitFieldIteration() gets 24
+% of the time) simply because the compiler's optimizer recognizes that
+FlipBitRun() is only called by DoBitFieldIteration(), and is called only
+once. Consequently, the optimizer moves FlipBitRun() "inline", i.e., into
+DoBitFieldIteration(). This removes an unnecessary call/return cycle (and is
+probably part of the reason why the FlipBitRun() code gets 24% of the
+algorithm's time, instead of something closer to 30% of its time.)
+Within the routines, those lines of code that actually do the shifting, the
+and operations, and the or operations, consume time evenly. This should make
+for a good test of a processor's "bit twiddling" capabilities.
+680x0 Code (Macintosh CodeWarrior): The CodeWarrior profiler is function
+based. Consequently, it is impossible to produce a profile of machine
+instruction execution time. We can, however, get a good picture of how the
+algorithm divides its time among the various functions.
+Unlike the 486 compiler, the CodeWarrior compiler did not appear to collapse
+the FlipBitRun() routine into the outer DoBitFieldIteration() routine. (We
+don't know this for certain, of course. It's possible that the compiler
+would have done this had we not been profiling.)
+In any case, the time spent in the two "core" routines of the bitfield test
+are shown below:
+FlipBitRun() - 18031.2 microsecs (called 509 times)
+ToggleBitRun() - 50770.6 microsecs (called 1031 times)
+In terms of total time, FlipBitRun() takes about 35% of the time (it gets
+about 33% of the calls). Remember, ToggleBitRun() is a single routine that
+is called both to set and clear bits. Hence, ToggleBitRun() is called twice
+as often as FlipBitRun().
+We can conclude that time spent setting bits to 1, setting bits to 0, and
+changing the state of bits, is about equal; the load is balanced close to
+what we'd expect it to be, based on the structure of the algorithm.
+Porting Considerations
+The bitfield operations benchmark is dependent on the size of the long
+datatype. On most systems, this is 32 bits. However, on some of the newer
+RISC chips, a long can be 64 bits long. If your system does use 64-bit
+longs, you'll need to #define the symbol LONG64.
+If you are unsure of the size of a long in your system (some C compiler
+manuals make it difficult to discover), simply place an ALLSTATS=T line in
+the command file and run the benchmarks. This will cause the benchmark
+program to display (among other things) the size of the data types int,
+short, and long in bytes.
+BITFARRAYSIZE - Sets the number of longs in the bit map array. This number
+is fixed, and should not be altered. The bitfield test adjusts itself by
+adding more bitfield commands (see above), not by creating a larger bit map.
+Currently, there is no code added to test for correct execution. If you are
+concerned that your port was incorrect, you'll need to step through your
+favorite debugger and verify execution against the original source code.
+** I added a resetting of the random number generator, and a resetting
+** of the bitfield to each loop. Those operations are outside of the
+** timed loop, and should add to make the benchmark more consistent.
+** There also is now debugging information available. If you define
+** DEBUG then the program will write a file named "debugbit.dat",
+** which is the contents of the bitfield after the calibration loop of
+** 30 operations. You can compare this file with the file
+** "debugbit.good" that comes with the distribution.
+** Uwe F. Mayer <>
+Emulated Floating-point
+The emulated floating-point benchmark includes routines that are similar to
+those that would be executed whenever a system performs floating-point
+operations in the absence of a coprocessor. In general, this amounts to a
+mixture of integer instructions, including shift operations, integer
+addition and subtraction, and bit testing (among others).
+The benchmark itself is remarkably simple. The test builds three
+1-dimensional arrays and loads the first two up with random floating-point
+numbers. The arrays are then partitioned into 4 equal-sized groups, and the
+test proceeds by performing addition, subtraction, multiplication, and
+division -- one operation on each group. (For example, for the addition
+group, an element from the first array is added to the second array and the
+result is placed in the third array.)
+Of course, most of the work takes place inside the routines that perform the
+addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. These routines operate
+on a special data type (referred to as an InternalFPF number) that -- though
+not strictly IEEE compliant -- carries all the necessary data fields to
+support an IEEE-compatible floating-point system. Specifically, an
+InternalFPF number is built up of the following fields:
+Type (indicates a NORMAL, SUBNORMAL, etc.)
+Mantissa sign
+Unbiased, signed 16-bit exponent
+4-word (16 bits) mantissa.
+The emulated floating-point test reports its results in number of loops per
+second (where a "loop" is one pass through the arrays as described above).
+Finally, we are aware that this test could be on its way to becoming an
+anachronism. A growing number of systems are appearing that have
+coprocessors built into the main CPU. It's possible that floating-point
+emulation will one day be a thing of the past.
+Optimized 486 code (Watcom C/C++ 10.0): The algorithm's time is distributed
+across a number of routines. The distribution is:
+ShiftMantLeft1() - 60% of the time
+ShiftMantRight1() - 17% of the time
+DivideInternalFPF() - 14% of the time
+MultiplyInternalFPF() - 5% of the time.
+The first two routines are similar to one another; both shift bits about in
+a floating-point number's mantissa. It's reasonable that ShiftMantLeft1()
+should take a larger share of the system's time; it is called as part of the
+normalization process that concludes every emulated addition, subtraction,
+mutiplication, and division.
+680x0 Code (Macintosh CodeWarrior): CodeWarrior's profiler is
+function-based; consequently, it isn't possible to get timing at the machine
+instruction level. However, the output to CodeWarrior's profiler has
+provided insight into the breakdown of time spent in various functions that
+forces us to rethink our 486 code analysis.
+Analyzing what goes on inside the emulated floating-point tests is a tough
+one to call because some of the routines that are part of the test are
+called by the function that builds the arrays. Consequently, a quick look at
+the profiler's output can be misleading; it's not obvious how much time a
+particular routine is spending in the test and how much time that same
+routine is spending setting up the test (an operation that does not get
+Specifically, the routine that loads up the arrays with test data calls
+LongToInternalFPF() and DivideInternalFPF(). LongToInternalFPF() makes one
+call to normalize() if the number is not a true zero. In turn, normalize()
+makes an indeterminate number of calls to ShiftMantLeft1(), depending on the
+structure of the mantissa being normalized.
+What's worse, DivideInternalFPF() makes all sorts of calls to all kinds of
+important low-level routines such as Sub16Bits() and ShiftMantLeft1().
+Untangling the wiring of which routine is being called as part of the test,
+and which is being called as part of the setup could probably be done with
+the computer equivalent of detective work and spelunking, but in the
+interest of time we'll opt for approximation.
+Here's a breakdown of some of the important routines and their times:
+AddSubInternalFPF() - 1003.9 microsecs (called 9024 times)
+MultiplyInternalFPF() - 20143 microsecs (called 5610 times)
+DivideInternalFPF() - 18820.9 microsecs (called 3366 times).
+The 3366 calls to DivideInternalFPF() are timed calls, not setup calls --
+the profiler at least gives outputs of separate calls made to the same
+routine, so we can determine which call is being made by the benchmark, and
+which is being made by the setup routine. It turns out that the setup
+routine calls DivideInternalFPF() 30,000 times.
+Notice that though addition/subtraction are called most often,
+multiplication next, then finally division; the time spent in each is the
+reverse. Division takes the most time, then multiplication, finally
+addition/subtraction. (There's probably some universal truth lurking here
+somewhere, but we haven't found it yet.)
+Other routines, and their breakdown:
+Add16Bits() - 115.3 microsecs
+ShiftMantRight1() - 574.2 microsecs
+Sub16Bits() - 1762 microsecs
+StickySiftRightMant - 40.4 microsecs
+ShiftMantLeft1() - 17486.1 microsecs
+The times for the last three routines are suspect, since they are called by
+DivideInternalFPF(), and a large portion of their time could be part of the
+setup process. This is what leads us to question the results obtained in the
+486 analysis, since it, too, is unable to determine precisely who is calling
+Porting Considerations
+Earlier versions of this benchmark were extremely sensitive to porting;
+particularly to the "endianism" of the target system. We have tried to
+eliminate many of these problems. The test is nonetheless more "sensitive"
+to porting than most others.
+Pay close attention to the following defines and typedefs. They can be found
+in the files EMFLOAT.H, NMGLOBAL.H, and NBENCH1.H:
+u8 - Stands for unsigned, 8-bit. Usually defined to be unsigned char.
+u16 - Stands for unsigned, 16-bit. Usually defined to be unsigned short.
+u32 - Stands for unsigned, 32-bit. Usually defined to be unsigned long.
+INTERNAL_FPF_PRECISION - Indicates the number of elements in the mantissa of
+an InternalFPF number. Should be set to 4.
+The exponent field of an InternalFPF number is of type short. It should be
+set to whatever minimal data type can hold a signed, 16-bit number.
+Other global definitions you will want to be aware of:
+CPUEMFLOATLOOPMAX - Sets the maximum number of loops the benchmark will
+attempt before flagging an error. Each execution of a loop in the emulated
+floating-point test is "non-destructive," since the test takes factors from
+two arrays, operates on the factors, and places the result in a third array.
+Consequently, the test makes more work for itself by increasing the number
+of times it passes through the arrays (# of loops). If the system exceeds
+the limit set by CPUEMFLOATLOOPMAX, it will signal an error.
+This value may be altered to suit your system; it will not effect the
+benchmark results (unless you reduce it so much the system can never
+generate enough loops to produce a good test run).
+EMFARRAYSIZE - Sets the size of the arrays to be used in the test. This
+value is the number of entries (InternalFPF numbers) per array. Currently,
+the number is fixed at 3000, and should not be altered.
+Currently, there is no means of testing correct execution of the benchmark
+other than via debugger. There are routines available to decode the internal
+floating point format and print out the numbers, but no formal correctness
+test has been constructed. (This should be available soon. -- 3/14/95 RG)
+** It now prints out the operations of 8 of the entries used in the
+** test. Assuming you leave EMFARRAYSIZE at 3000, your results should
+** look like the ones below. The number in front of the colon is the
+** index of the entry.
+** 2: (-1.1160E 0) + (-4.5159E 0) = -5.6320E 0
+** 6: (-4.4507E -1) - (-8.2050E -1) = +3.7543E -1
+** 10: (+1.2465E 0) * (+7.4667E -1) = +9.3075E -1
+** 14: (-1.2781E 0) / (-1.7367E 0) = +7.3596E -1
+** 2986: (-7.0390E 0) * (-2.0752E 0) = +1.4607E 1
+** 2990: (+8.3753E -1) / (+2.3876E 1) = +3.5078E -2
+** 2994: (-1.1393E 0) + (-1.6080E 1) = -1.7219E 1
+** 2998: (+7.2450E 0) - (-8.2654E -1) = +8.0716E 0
+** Uwe F. Mayer <>
+Microprocessor Programming for Computer Hobbyists, Neill Graham, Tab Books,
+Blue Ridge Summit, PA, 1977.
+Apple Numerica Manual, Second edition, Apple Computer, Addison-Wesley
+Publishing Co., Reading, MA, 1988.
+Fourier Series
+This is a floating-point benchmark designed primarily to exercise the
+trigonometric and transcendental functions of the system. It calculates the
+first n Fourier coefficients of the function (x+1)x on the interval 0,2. In
+this case, the function (x+1)x is being treated as a cyclic waveform with a
+period of 2.
+The Fourier coefficients, when applied as factors to a properly constructed
+series of sine and cosine functions, allow you to approximate the original
+waveform. (In fact, if you can calculate all the Fourier coefficients --
+there'll be an infinite number -- you can reconstruct the waveform exactly).
+You have to calculate the coefficients via integration, and the algorithm
+does this using a simple trapezoidal rule for its numeric integration
+The upshot of all this is that it provides an exercise for the
+floating-point routines that calculate sine, cosine, and raising a number to
+a power. There are also some floating-point multiplications, divisions,
+additions, and subtractions mixed in.
+The benchmark reports its results as the number of coefficients calculated
+per second.
+As an additional note, we should point out that the performance of this
+benchmark is heavily dependent on how well-built the compiler's math library
+is. We have seen at least two cases where recompilation with new (and
+improved!) math libraries have resulted in two-fold and five-fold
+performance improvements. (Apparently, when a compiler gets moved to a new
+platform, the trigonometric and transcendental functions in the math
+libraries are among the last routines to be "hand optimized" for the new
+platform.) About all we can say about this is that whenever you run this
+test, verify that you have the latest and greatest math libraries.
+Optimized 486 code: The benchmark partitions its time almost evenly among
+the modules pow387, exp386, and trig387; giving between 25% and 28% of its
+time to each. This is based on profiling with the Watcom compiler running
+under Windows NT. These modules hold the routines that handle raising a
+number to a power and performing trigonometric (sine and cosine)
+calculations. For example, within trig387, time was nearly equally divided
+between the routine that calculates sine and the routine that calculates
+The remaining time (between 17% and 18%) was spent in the balance of the
+test. We noticed that most of that time occurred in the routine
+thefunction(). This is at the heart of the numerical integration routine the
+benchmark uses.
+Consequently, this benchmark should be a good test of the exponential and
+trigonometric capabilities of a processor. (Note that we recognize that the
+performance also depends on how well the compiler's math library is built.)
+680x0 Code (Macintosh CodeWarrior): The CodeWarrior profiler is function
+based, therefore it is impossible to get performance results for individual
+machine instructions. The CodeWarrior compiler is also unable to tell us how
+much time is spent within a given library routine; we can't see how much
+time gets spent executing the sin(), cos(), or pow() functions (which,
+unfortunately, was the whole idea behind the benchmark).
+About all we can glean from the results is that thefunction() takes about
+74% of the time in the test (this is where the heavy math calculations take
+place) while trapezoidintegrate() accounts for about 26% of the time on its
+Porting Considerations
+Necessarily, this benchmark is at the mercy of the efficiency of the
+floating-point support provided by whatever compiler you are using. It is
+recommended that, if you are doing the port yourself, you contact the
+designers of the compiler, and discuss with them what optimization switches
+should be set to produce the fastest code. (This sounds simple; usually it's
+not. Some systems let you decide between speed and true IEEE compliance.)
+As far as global definitions go, this benchmark is happily free of them. All
+the math is done using double data types. We have noticed that, on some Unix
+systems, you must be careful to include the correct math libraries.
+Typically, you'll discover this at link time.
+To test for correct execution of the benchmark: It's unlikely you'll need to
+do this, since the algorithm is so cut-and-dried. Furthermore, there are no
+explicit provisions made to verify the correctness. You can, however, either
+dip into your favorite debugger, or alter the code to print out the contents
+of the abase (which holds the A[i] terms) and bbase (which holds the B[i]
+terms) arrays as they are being filled (see routine DoFPUTransIteration).
+** This is exactly what I have done, it now prints out A[i] and B[i] data.
+** Uwe F. Mayer <>
+Run the benchmark with a command file set to execute only the Fourier test,
+and examine the contents of the arrays. The first 100 are listed below.
+ 2.84 1.05 0.274 0.0824 0.0102 -0.024 -0.0426 -0.0536 -0.0605 -0.065
+-0.0679 -0.0698 -0.0709 -0.0715 -0.0717 -0.0715 -0.0711 -0.0704
+-0.0696 -0.0685 -0.0674 -0.0661 -0.0647 -0.0632 -0.0615 -0.0598 -0.058
+-0.0561 -0.0542 -0.0521 -0.0501 -0.0479 -0.0457 -0.0434 -0.0411
+-0.0387 -0.0363 -0.0338 -0.0313 -0.0288 -0.0262 -0.0236 -0.0209
+-0.0183 -0.0156 -0.0129 -0.0102 -0.00744 -0.0047 -0.00196 0.000794
+0.00355 0.0063 0.00905 0.0118 0.0145 0.0172 0.0199 0.0226 0.0253
+0.0279 0.0305 0.0331 0.0357 0.0382 0.0407 0.0431 0.0455 0.0479 0.0502
+0.0525 0.0547 0.0569 0.059 0.061 0.063 0.0649 0.0668 0.0686 0.0703
+0.072 0.0736 0.0751 0.0765 0.0779 0.0792 0.0804 0.0816 0.0826 0.0836
+0.0845 0.0853 0.0861 0.0867 0.0873 0.0877 0.0881 0.0884 0.0887 0.0888
+(undefined) -1.88 -1.16 -0.806 -0.61 -0.487 -0.402 -0.34 -0.293 -0.255
+-0.224 -0.199 -0.177 -0.158 -0.141 -0.126 -0.113 -0.101 -0.0901
+-0.0802 -0.071 -0.0625 -0.0546 -0.0473 -0.0404 -0.034 -0.0279 -0.0222
+-0.0168 -0.0117 -0.00693 -0.00238 0.00193 0.00601 0.00988 0.0135 0.017
+0.0203 0.0234 0.0263 0.0291 0.0317 0.0341 0.0364 0.0385 0.0405 0.0424
+0.0441 0.0457 0.0471 0.0484 0.0496 0.0507 0.0516 0.0525 0.0532 0.0538
+0.0543 0.0546 0.0549 0.055 0.0551 0.055 0.0549 0.0546 0.0543 0.0538
+0.0533 0.0527 0.052 0.0512 0.0503 0.0493 0.0483 0.0472 0.046 0.0447
+0.0434 0.042 0.0405 0.039 0.0374 0.0358 0.0341 0.0323 0.0305 0.0287
+0.0268 0.0249 0.023 0.021 0.019 0.0169 0.0149 0.0128 0.0107 0.00857
+0.00644 0.0043 0.00215
+Note that there is no B[0] coefficient. If the above numbers are in the
+arrays shown, you can feel pretty confident that the benchmark it working
+Engineering and Scientific Computations in Pascal, Lawrence P. Huelsman,
+Harper & Row, New York, 1986.
+Assignment Algorithm
+This test is built on an algorithm with direct application to the business
+world. The assignment algorithm solves the following problem: Say you have X
+machines and Y jobs. Any of the machines can do any of the jobs; however, the
+machines are sufficiently different so that the cost of doing a particular
+job can vary depending what machine does it. Furthermore, the jobs are
+sufficiently different that the cost varies depending on which job a given
+machine does. You therefore construct a matrix; machines are the rows, jobs
+are the columns, and the [i,j] element of the array is the cost of doing the
+jth job on the ith machine. How can you assign the jobs so that the cost of
+completing them all is minimal? (This also assumes that one machine does one
+Did you get that?
+The assignment algorithm benchmark is largely a test of how well the
+processor handles problems built around array manipulation. It is not a
+floating-point test; the "cost matrix" built by the algorithm is simply a 2D
+array of long integers. This benchmark considers an iteration to be a run of
+the assignment algorithm on a 101 x 101 - element matrix. It reports its
+results in iterations per second.
+Optimized 486 code (Watcom C/C++ 10.0): There are numerous loops within the
+assignment algorithm. The development system we were using (Watcom C/C++
+10.0) appears to have a fine time unrolling many of them. Consequently, it
+is difficult to pin down the execution impact of single lines (as in, for
+example, the numeric sort benchmark).
+On the level of functions, the benchmark spends around 70% of its time in
+the routine first_assignments(). This is where a) lone zeros in rows and
+columns are found and selected, and b) a choice is made between duplicate
+zeros. Around 23% of the time is spent in the second_assignments() routine
+where (if first_assignments() fails) the matrix is partitioned into smaller
+Overall, we did a tally of instruction mix execution. The approximate
+breakdowns are:
+move - 38%
+conditional jump - 12%
+unconditional jump - 11%
+comparison - 14%
+math/logical/shift - 24%
+Many of the move instructions that appeared to consume the most amounts of
+time were referencing items on the local stack frame. This required an
+indirect reference through EBP, plus a constant offset to resolve the
+This should be a good exercise of a cache, since operations in the
+first_assignments() routine require both row-wise and column-wise movement
+through the array. Note that the routine could be made more "severe" by
+chancing the assignedtableau[][] array to an array of unsigned char --
+forcing fetches on byte boundaries.
+680x0 Code (CodeWarrior): The CodeWarrior profiler is function-based.
+Consequently, it's not possible to determine what's going on at the machine
+instruction level. We can, however, get a good idea of how much time the
+algorithm spends in each routine. The important routines are broken down as
+calc_minimum_costs() - approximately 0.3% of the time
+(250 microsecs)
+first_assignments() - approximately 79% of the time
+(96284.6 microsecs)
+second_assignments() - approximately 19% of the time
+(22758 microsecs)
+These times are approximate; some time is spent in the Assignment() routine
+These figures are reasonably close to those of the 486, at least in terms of
+the mixture of time spent in a particular routine. Hence, this should still
+be a good test of system cache (as described in the preceding section),
+given the behavior of the first_assignments() routine.
+Porting Considerations
+The assignment algorithm test is purely an integer benchmark, and requires
+no special data types that might be affected by ports to different
+architectures. There are only two global constants that affect the
+ASSIGNROWS and ASSIGNCOLS - These set the size of the assignment array. Both
+are defined to be 101 (so, the array that is benchmarked is a 101 x 101
+-element array of longs). These values should not be altered.
+To test for correct execution of the benchmark: #define the symbol DEBUG,
+recompile, set up a command file that executes only the assignment
+algorithm, and run the benchmark. (You may want to pipe the output through a
+paging filter, like the more program.) The act of defining DEBUG will enable
+a section of code that displays the assigned columns on a per-row basis. If
+the benchmark is working properly, the numbers to be displayed
+should be:
+R000: 056 R001: 066 R002: 052 R003: 065 R004: 043 R005: 023 R006: 016
+R007: 077 R008: 095 R009: 004 R010: 064 R011: 076 R012: 078 R013: 091
+R014: 013 R015: 029 R016: 044 R017: 014 R018: 041 R019: 042 R020: 020
+R021: 071 R022: 024 R023: 017 R024: 055 R025: 040 R026: 070 R027: 025
+R028: 031 R029: 019 R030: 073 R031: 002 R032: 047 R033: 009 R034: 035
+R035: 045 R036: 005 R037: 063 R038: 081 R039: 039 R040: 087 R041: 008
+R042: 053 R043: 093 R044: 049 R045: 092 R046: 061 R047: 046 R048: 026
+R049: 034 R050: 088 R051: 000 R052: 028 R053: 018 R054: 072 R055: 021
+R056: 037 R057: 082 R058: 006 R059: 058 R060: 096 R061: 068 R062: 069
+R063: 054 R064: 057 R065: 086 R066: 097 R067: 084 R068: 099 R069: 051
+R070: 098 R071: 003 R072: 074 R073: 062 R074: 080 R075: 033 R076: 011
+R077: 094 R078: 012 R079: 050 R080: 010 R081: 038 R082: 089 R083: 059
+R084: 022 R085: 079 R086: 015 R087: 007 R088: 075 R089: 083 R090: 060
+R091: 048 R092: 032 R093: 067 R094: 001 R095: 030 R096: 027 R097: 085
+R098: 090 R099: 036 R100: 100
+These are the column choices for each row made by the algorithm. If
+you see these numbers displayed, the algorithm is working correctly.
+*** The original debugging information was incorrect, as it not only
+*** display the chosen columns, but also displayed eliminated columns.
+*** Changed to show all 101 entries. Uwe F. Mayer <>
+Quantitative Decision Making for Business, Gordon, Pressman, and Cohn,
+Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1990.
+Quantitative Decision Making, Guiseppi A. Forgionne, Wadsworth Publishing
+Co., California, 1986.
+Huffman Compression
+This is a compression algorithm that -- while helpful for some time as a
+text compression technique -- has since fallen out of fashion on account of
+the superior performance by algorithms such as LZW compression. It is,
+however, still used in some graphics file formats in one form or another.
+The benchmark consists of three parts:
+Building a "Huffman Tree" (explained below),
+Compression, and
+A "Huffman Tree" is a special data structure that guides the compression and
+decompression processes. If you were to diagram one, it would look like a
+large binary tree (i.e., two branches per each node). Describing its
+function in detail is beyond the scope of this paper (see the references for
+more information). We should, however, point out that the tree is built from
+the "bottom up"; and the procedure for constructing it requires that the
+algorithm scan the uncompressed buffer, building a frequency table for all
+the characters appearing in the buffer. (This version of the Huffman
+algorithm compresses byte-at-a-time, though there's no reason why the same
+principle could not be applied to tokens larger than one byte.)
+Once the tree is built, text compression is relatively straightforward. The
+algorithm fetches a character from the uncompressed buffer, navigates the
+tree based on the character's value, and produces a bit stream that is
+concatenated to the compressed buffer. Decompression is the reverse of that
+process. (We recognize that we are simplifying the algorithm. Again, we
+recommend you check the references.)
+The Huffman Compression benchmark considers an iteration to be the three
+operations described above, performed on an uncompressed text buffer of 5000
+bytes. It reports its results in iterations per second.
+Optimized 486 code (Watcom C/C++ 10.0): The Huffman compression algorithm --
+tree building, compression, and decompression -- is written as a single,
+large routine: DoHuffIteration(). All the benchmark's time is spent within
+that routine.
+Components of DoHuffIteration() that consume the most time are those that
+perform the compression and decompression .
+The code for performing the compression spends most of its time (accounting
+for about 13%) constructing the bit string for a character that is being
+compressed. It does this by seeking up the tree from a leaf, emitting 1's
+and 0's in the process, until it reaches the root. The stream of 1's and 0's
+are loaded into a character array; the algorithm then walks "backward"
+through the array, setting (or clearing) bits in the compression buffer as
+it goes.
+Similarly, the decompression portion takes about 12% of the time as the
+algorithm pulls bits out of the compressed buffer -- using them to navigate
+the Huffman tree -- and reconstructs the original text.
+680x0 Code (Macintosh CodeWarrior): CodeWarrior's profiler is function
+based. Consequently, it's impossible to get performance scores for
+individual machine instructions. Furthermore, as mentioned above, the
+Huffman compression algorithm is written as a monolithic routine. This makes
+the results from the CodeWarrior profiler all the more sparse.
+We can at least point out that the lowmost routines (GetCompBit() and
+SetCompBit()) that read and write individual bits, though called nearly 13
+million times each, account for only 0.7% and 0.3% of the total time,
+Porting Considerations
+The Huffman algorithm relies on no special data types. It should port
+readily. Global constants of interest include:
+EXCLUDED - This is a large, positive value. Currently it is set to 32000,
+and should be left alone. Basically, this is a token that the system uses to
+indicate an excluded character (one that does not appear in the plain-text).
+It is set to a ridiculously high value that will never appear in the
+pointers of the tree during normal construction.
+MAXHUFFLOOPS - This is another one of those "governor" constants. The
+Huffman benchmark creates more work for itself by doing multiple
+compression/decompression loops. This constant sets the maximum number of
+loops it will attempt per iteration before it gives up. Currently, it is set
+to 50000. Though it is unlikely you'll ever need to modify this value, you
+can increase it if your machine is too fast for the adjustment algorithm. Do
+not reduce the number.
+HUFFARRAYSIZE - This value sets the size of the plain-text array to be
+compressed. You can override this value with the command file to see how
+well your machine performs for larger or smaller arrays. The subsequent
+results, however, are invalid for comparison with other systems.
+To test for correct execution of the benchmark: #define the symbol DEBUG,
+recompile, build a command file that executes only the Huffman compression
+algorithm, and run the benchmark. Defining DEBUG will enable a section of
+code that verifies the decompression as it takes place (i.e., the routine
+compares -- character at a time -- the uncompressed data with the original
+plain-text). If there's an error, the program will repeatedly display: "Error
+at textoffset xxx".
+** If everything is correct it will emit quite a few "Huffman: OK" messages.
+** I added a resetting of the random number generator, outside of the
+** timed loop, and a resetting of the Huffman tree, inside of the
+** timed loop. That should help to make the benchmark more consistent.
+** The program did originally only reset half of the tree, which lead
+** to runtime errors on some systems. The effect on the benchmark
+** should be negligible, and in fact comes out as being of the order
+** of less than 1% on my test system.
+** Uwe F. Mayer <>
+Data Compression: Methods and Theory, James A. Storer, Computer Science
+Press, Rockville, MD, 1988.
+An Introduction to Text Processing, Peter D. Smith, MIT Press, Cambridge,
+MA, 1990.
+IDEA Encryption
+This is another benchmark based on a "higher-level" algorithm; "higher
+-level" in the sense that it is more complex than a sort or a search
+Security -- and, therefore, cryptography -- are becoming increasingly
+important issues in the computer realm. It's likely that more and more
+machines will be running routines like the IDEA encryption algorithm. (IDEA
+is an acronym for the International Data Encryption Algorithm.)
+A good description of the algorithm (and, in fact, the reference we used to
+create the source code for the test) can be found in Bruce Schneier's
+exhaustive exploration of encryption, "Applied Cryptography" (see
+references). To quote Mr. Schneier: "In my opinion, it [IDEA] is the best
+and most secure block algorithm available to the public at this time."
+IDEA is a symmetrical, block cipher algorithm. Symmetrical means that the
+same routine used to encrypt the data also decrypts the data. A block cipher
+works on the plain-text (the message to be encrypted) in fixed, discrete
+chunks. In the case of IDEA, the algorithm encrypts and decrypts 64 bits at
+a time.
+As pointed out in Schneier's book, there are three operations that the IDEA
+uses to do its work:
+XOR (exclusive-or)
+Addition modulo 216 (ignoring overflow)
+Multiplication modulo 216+1 (ignoring overflow).
+IDEA requires a key of 128 bits. However, keys and blocks are further
+subdivided into 16-bit chunks, so that any given operation within the IDEA
+encryption is performed on 16-bit quantities. (This is one of the many
+advantages of the algorithm, it is efficient even on 16-bit processors.)
+The IDEA benchmark considers an "iteration" to be an encryption and
+decryption of a buffer of 4000 bytes. The test actually builds 3 buffers:
+The first to hold the original plain-text, the second to hold the encrypted
+text, and the third to hold the decrypted text (the contents of which should
+match that of the first buffer). It reports its results in iterations per
+Optimized 486 code: The algorithm actually spends most of its time (nearly
+75%) within the mul() routine, which performs the multiplication modulo
+216+1. This is a super-simple routine, consisting primarily of if
+statements, shifts, and additions.
+The remaining time (around 24%) is spent in the balance of the cipher_idea()
+routine. (Note that cipher_idea() calls the mul() routine frequently; so,
+the 24% is comprised of the other lines of cipher_idea()). cipher_idea() is
+littered with simple pointer-fetch-and-increment operations, some addition,
+and some exclusive-or operations.
+Note that IDEA's exercise of system capabilities probably doesn't extend
+beyond testing simple integer math operations. Since the buffer size is set
+to 4000 bytes, the test will run entirely in processor cache on most
+systems. Even the cache won't get a heavy "internal" workout, since the
+algorithm proceeds sequentially through each buffer from lower to higher
+680x0 code (Macintosh CodeWarrior): CodeWarrior's profiler is function
+based; consequently, it is impossible to determine execution profiles for
+individual machine instructions. We can, however, get an idea of how much
+time is spent in each routine.
+As with Huffman compression, the IDEA algorithm is written monolithically --
+a single, large routine does most of the work. However, a special
+multiplication routine, mul(), is frequently called within each
+encryption/decryption iteration (see above).
+In this instance, the results for the 68K system diverges widely from those
+of the 486 system. The CodeWarrior profiler shows the mul() routine as
+taking only 4% of the total time in the benchmark, even though it is called
+over 20 million times. The outer routine is called 600,000 times, and
+accounts for about 96% of the whole program's entire time.
+Porting Considerations
+Since IDEA does its work in 16-bit units, it is particularly important that
+u16 be defined to whatever datatype provides an unsigned 16-bit integer on
+the test platform. Usually, unsigned short works for this. (You can verify
+the size of a short by running the benchmarks with a command file that
+includes ALLSTATS=T as one of the commands. This will cause the benchmark
+program to display a message that tells the size of the int, short, and long
+data-types in bytes.)
+Also, the mul() routine in IDEA requires the u32 datatype to define an
+unsigned 32-bit integer. In most cases, unsigned long works.
+To test for correct execution of the benchmark: #define the symbol DEBUG,
+recompile, build a command file that executes only the IDEA algorithm, and
+run the benchmark. Defining DEBUG will enable a section of code that
+compares the original plain-text with the output of the test. (Remember, the
+benchmark performs both encryption and decryption.) If the algorithm has
+failed, the output will not match the input, and you'll see "IDEA Error"
+messages all over your display.
+Applied Cryptography: Protocols, Algorithms, and Source Code in C, Bruce
+Schneier, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1994.
+Neural Net
+The Neural Net simulation benchmark is based on a simple back-propagation
+neural network presented by Maureen Caudill as part of a BYTE article that
+appeared in the October, 1991 issue (see "Expert Networks" in that issue).
+The network involved is a simple 3-layer (input neurodes, middle-layer
+neurodes, and output neurodes) network that accepts a number of 5 x 7 input
+patterns and produce a single 8-bit output pattern.
+The test involves sending the network an input pattern that is the 5 x 7
+"image" of a character (1's and 0's -- 1's representing lit pixels, 0's
+representing unlit pixels), and teaching it the 8-bit ASCII code for the
+A thorough description of how the back propagation algorithm works is beyond
+the scope of this paper. We recommend you search through the references
+given at the end of this paper, particularly Ms. Caudill's article, for
+detailed discussion. In brief, the benchmark is primarily an exercise in
+floating-point operations, with some frequent use of the exp() function. It
+also performs a great deal of array references, though the arrays in use are
+well under 300 elements each (and less than 100 in most cases).
+The Neural Net benchmark considers an iteration to be a single learning
+cycle. (A "learning cycle" is defined as the time it takes the network to be
+able to associate all input patterns to the correct output patterns within a
+specified tolerance.) It reports its results in iterations per second.
+Optimized 486 code: The forward pass of the network (i.e., calculating
+outputs from inputs) utilize a sigmoid function. This function has, at its
+heart, a call to the exp() library routine. A small but non-negligible
+amount of time is spent in that function (a little over 5% for the 486
+system we tested).
+The learning portion of the network benchmark depends on the derivative of
+the sigmoid function, which turns out to require only multiplications and
+subtractions. Consequently, each learning pass exercises only simple
+floating-point operations.
+If we divide the time spent in the test into two parts -- forward pass and
+backward pass (the latter being the learning pass) -- then the test appears
+to spend the greatest part of its time in the learning phase. In fact, most
+time is spent in the adjust_mid_wts() routine. This is the part of the
+routine that alters the weights on the middle layer neurodes. (It accounts
+for over 40% of the benchmark's time.)
+680x0 Code (Macintosh CodeWarrior): Though CodeWarrior's profiler is
+function based, the neural net benchmark is highly modular. We can therefore
+get a good breakdown of routine usage:
+worst_pass_error() - 304 microsecs (called 4680 times)
+adjust_mid_wts() - 83277 microsecs (called 46800 times)
+adjust_out_wts() - 17394 microsecs (called 46800 times)
+do_mid_error() - 11512 microsecs (called 46800 times)
+do_out_error() - 3002 microsecs (called 46800 times)
+do_mid_forward() - 49559 microsecs (called 46800 times)
+do_out_forward() - 20634 microsecs (called 46800 times)
+Again, most time was spent in adjust_mid_wts() (as on the 486), accounting
+for almost twice as much time as do_mid_forward().
+Porting Consideration
+The Neural Net benchmark is not dependent on any special data types. There
+are a number of global variables and arrays that should not be altered in
+any way. Most importantly, the #defines found in NBENCH1.H under the Neural
+Net section should not be changed. These control not only the number of
+neurodes in each layer; they also include constants that govern the learning
+Other globals to be aware of:
+MAXNNETLOOPS - This constant simply sets the upper limit on the number of
+training loops the test will permit per iteration. The Neural Net benchmark
+adjusts its workload by re-teaching itself over and over (each time it
+begins a new training session, the network is "cleared" -- loaded with
+random values). It is unlikely you will ever need to modify this constant.
+inpath - This string pointer is set to the path from which the neural net's
+input data is read. It is currently hardwired to "NNET.DAT". You shouldn't
+have to change this name, unless your file system requires directory
+information as part of the path.
+Note that the Neural Net benchmark is the only test that requires an
+external data file. The contents of the file are listed in an attachment to
+this paper. You should use the attachment to reconstruct the file should it
+become lost or corrupted. Any changes to the file will invalidate the test
+To test for correct execution of the benchmark: #define the symbol DEBUG,
+recompile, build a command file that executes only the Neural Net test, and
+run the benchmark. Defining DEBUG will enable a section of code that
+displays how many passes through the learning process were required for the
+net to learn. It should learn in 780 passes.
+"Expert Networks," Maureen Caudill, BYTE Magazine, October, 1991.
+Simulating Neural Networks, Norbert Hoffmann, Verlag Vieweg, Wiesbaden,
+Signal and Image Processing with Neural Networks, Timothy Masters, John
+Wiley and Sons, New York, 1994.
+Introduction to Neural Networks, Jeannette Stanley, California Scientific
+Software, CA, 1989.
+LU Decomposition
+LU Decomposition is an algorithm that can be used as the heart of a program
+for solving linear equations. Suppose you have a matrix A. LU Decomposition
+determines the matrices L and U such that
+L . U = A
+where L is a lower triangular matrix and U is an upper triangular matrix. (A
+lower triangular matrix has nonzero elements only on the main diagonal and
+below. An upper triangular matrix has nonzero elements only on the main
+diagonal and above.)
+Without going into the mathematical details too deeply, having the L and U
+matrices makes the solution of linear equations (i.e., equations of the form
+A . x = b) quite easy. It turns out that you can also use LU decomposition
+to determine matrix inverses and determinants.
+The algorithm used in the benchmarks was derived from Numerical Recipes in
+Pascal (there is a C version of the book, which we did not have on hand), a
+book we heartily recommend to anyone serious about mathematical and
+scientific computing. The authors are approving of LU decomposition as a
+means of solving linear equations, pointing out that their version (which
+makes use of what we would have to call "Crout's method with partial
+implicit pivoting") is a factor of 3 better than one of their Gauss-Jordan
+routines, a factor of 1.5 better than another. They go on to demonstrate the
+use of LU decomposition for iterative improvement of linear equation
+The benchmark begins by creating a "solvable" linear system. This is easily
+done by loading up the column vector b with random integers, then
+initializing A with an identity matrix. The equations are then "scrambled"
+by either multiplying a row by a constant, or adding one row to another. The
+scrambled matrices are handed to the LU algorithm.
+The LU Decomposition benchmark considers a single iteration to be the
+solution of one set of equations (the size of A is fixed at 101 x 101
+elements). It reports its results in iterations per second.
+Optimized 486 code (Watcom C/C++ 10.0): The entire algorithm consists of two
+parts: the LU decomposition itself, and the back substitution algorithm that
+builds the solution vector. The majority of the algorithm's time takes place
+within the former; the algorithm that builds the L and U matrices (this
+takes place in routine ludcmp()).
+Within ludcmp(), there are two extremely tight for loops forming the heart
+of Crout's algorithm that consume the majority of the time. The loops are
+"tight" in that they each consist of only one line of code; in both cases,
+the line of code is a "multiply and accumulate" operation (actually, it's
+sort of a multiply and de-accumulate, since the result of the multiplication
+is subtracted, not added).
+In both cases, the items multiplied are elements from the A array; and one
+factor's row index is varying more rapidly, while another factor's column
+index is varying more rapidly.
+Note that this is a good overall test of floating-point operations within
+matrices. Most of the math is floating-point; primarily additions,
+subtractions, and multiplications (only a few divisions).
+680x0 Code (Macintosh CodeWarrior): CodeWarrior's profiler is function
+based. It is therefore impossible to determine execution profiles at the
+machine-code level. The profiler does, however, allow us to determine how
+much time the benchmark spends in each routine. This breakdown is as
+lusolve() - 3.4 microsecs (about 0% of the time)
+lubksb() 1198 microsec (about 2% of the time)
+ludcmp() - 63171 microsec (about 91% of the time)
+The above percentages are for the whole program. Consequently, as a portion
+of actual benchmark time, the amount attributed to each will be slightly
+larger (though the proportions will remain the same).
+Since ludcmp() performs the actual LU decomposition, this is exactly where
+we'd want the benchmark to spend its time. The lubksb() routine calls
+ludcmp(), using the resulting matrix to "back-solve" the linear equation.
+Porting Considerations
+The LU Decomposition routine requires no special data types, and is immune
+to byte ordering. It does make use of a typedef (LUdblptr) that includes an
+embedded union; this allows the benchmark to "coerce" a pointer to double
+into a pointer to a 2D array of double. This arrangement has not caused
+problems with the compilers we have tested to date.
+Other constants and globals to be aware of:
+LUARRAYROWS and LUARRAYCOLS - These constants set the size of the
+coefficient matrix, A. They cannot be altered by command file. In fact, you
+shouldn't alter them at all, or your results will be invalid. Currently,
+they are both set to 101.
+MAXLUARRAYS - This is another "governor" constant. The algorithm performs
+dynamic workload adjustment by building more and more arrays to solve per
+timing round. This sets the maximum upper limit of arrays that it will
+build. Currently, it is set to 1000, which should be more than enough for
+the reasonable future (1000 arrays of 101 x 101 floating-point doubles would
+require somewhere around 80 megabytes of RAM -- and that's not counting the
+column vectors).
+To test for correct execution of the benchmark: Currently, there is no
+simple technique for doing this. You can, however, either use your favorite
+debugger (or embed a printf() statement) at the conclusion of the lubksb()
+routine. When this routine concludes, the array b will hold the solution
+vector. These items will be stored as floating-point doubles, and the first
+14 are (with rounding):
+46 20 23 22 85 86 97 95 8 89 75 67 6 86
+If you find these numbers as the first 14 in the array b[], then you're
+virtually guaranteed that the algorithm is working correctly.
+*** The above is not correct, as the initial matrix is not the identity,
+*** but a matrix with random nonzero entries on the diagonal (they have
+*** altered the algorithm since they wrote the documentation).
+*** I changed the output of the debugging routine, it now prints first
+*** what the array b should hold (as righthand side divided by diagonal
+*** entry), and then it prints what the array b does hold after the
+*** decomposition has been done to compute the solution of the system. If
+*** you get the same, then fine.
+*** And, by the way, my original right hand sides are
+*** 46 23 85 97 8 75 6 81 88 76 6 84 31 53 2 ...
+*** and the diagonal entries are
+*** 520 922 186 495 89 267 786 571 175 600 738 321 897 541 859 ...
+*** You notice that one has every other number of the original sequence.
+*** This is due to BYTE's change of the algorithm, as they now also use the
+*** random number generator to generate the diagonal elements.
+*** Here is the complete set of data:
+*** 46/520=0.09 23/922=0.02 85/186=0.46 97/495=0.20 8/89=0.09
+*** 75/267=0.28 6/786=0.01 81/571=0.14 88/175=0.50 76/600=0.13
+*** 6/738=0.01 84/321=0.26 31/897=0.03 53/541=0.10 2/859=0.00
+*** 86/92=0.93 51/121=0.42 29/248=0.12 51/789=0.06 84/6=14.00
+*** 21/180=0.12 33/48=0.69 2/899=0.00 12/820=0.01 69/372=0.19
+*** 59/809=0.07 74/18=4.11 40/788=0.05 39/56=0.70 86/91=0.95
+*** 33/878=0.04 82/165=0.50 42/561=0.07 8/274=0.03 84/694=0.12
+*** 32/352=0.09 25/969=0.03 59/816=0.07 33/112=0.29 5/125=0.04
+*** 89/740=0.12 7/223=0.03 54/994=0.05 33/80=0.41 55/676=0.08
+*** 6/524=0.01 36/544=0.07 21/160=0.13 58/596=0.10 15/717=0.02
+*** 84/311=0.27 98/530=0.18 46/713=0.06 41/233=0.18 73/640=0.11
+*** 40/343=0.12 72/586=0.12 100/965=0.10 59/764=0.08 37/866=0.04
+*** 27/682=0.04 3/652=0.00 41/352=0.12 87/786=0.11 45/79=0.57
+*** 83/761=0.11 41/817=0.05 46/209=0.22 78/930=0.08 85/210=0.40
+*** 80/756=0.11 18/931=0.02 30/669=0.04 47/127=0.37 85/891=0.10
+*** 66/364=0.18 83/955=0.09 58/637=0.09 58/778=0.07 82/288=0.28
+*** 42/540=0.08 76/290=0.26 59/36=1.64 29/463=0.06 63/476=0.13
+*** 6/340=0.02 73/341=0.21 59/737=0.08 81/492=0.16 98/443=0.22
+*** 58/32=1.81 53/562=0.09 54/263=0.21 46/367=0.13 58/390=0.15
+*** 96/845=0.11 30/746=0.04 2/687=0.00 28/849=0.03 84/180=0.47
+*** 85/382=0.22
+*** Uwe F. Mayer <>
+Numerical Recipes in Pascal: The Art of Scientific Computing, Press,
+Flannery, Teukolsky, Vetterling, Cambridge University Press, New York, 1989.