path: root/source-builder/config/gdb-common-1.cfg
blob: 0fea33464b5e9fb9fcbd75c95d9e3c5ad565755c (plain) (tree)


























# GDB Common Version 1.
# This configuration file configure's, make's and install's gdb.

# Python
# GDB uses python internally so we need to link to a suitable python
# dev kit. The dev kit for python is the header and a library. These
# files are versioned where the header file is located in a directory
# based on:
#  pythonM.m/Python.h
# where 'M' is the major version number and 'm' is the minor verison
# number. The library is:
#  libpythonM.m.a
# The python command is 'pythonM' which means we need to query it for
# the minor number.
# The python running the RSB may not be suitable, for example a MSC,
# MSYS or Cygwin version on Windows when we want the MinGW python dev
# file. A specific version cannot be forced because older versions of
# GDB can only link to 'python2'.
# Host support can perform a complex query of the system, for example
# Windows and set '%{gdb_python2}' and '%{gdb_python3}' with the full
# path to that version's executable.
# A configuration of GDB can set the version required by setting
# '%{gdb-python-version}' to the versions command, eg python2.
# The procedure is:
# 1. If the macros '%{gdb_python2}' or '%{gdb_python3}' are present
#    use that path they contain. Assume the path is valid.
# 2. Does the version of gdb specify a version of python that must be
#    used. Override with '%define gdb-python-version python2'.
# 3. Search for 'python3' and if not found search for 'python2'.
%if %{defined gdb-python2}
  %define gdb-enable-python %{gdb_python2}
  %if %{defined gdb-python3}
    %define gdb-enable-python %{gdb_python3}
    %if %{defined gdb-python-version}
      %define gdb-enable-python %(command -v %{gdb-python-version} || true)
      %define gdb-enable-python %(command -v python3 || true)
      %if %{gdb-enable-python} == %{nil}
        %define gdb-enable-python %(command -v python2 || true)
      %if %{gdb-enable-python} == %{nil}
        %define gdb-enable-python %(command -v python || true})
    %if %{gdb-enable-python} == %{nil}
      %error "gdb: python: no valid version of python found"

# Get the Python's major and minor version from the python
# command. The headers and libraries are installed under a major/minor
# (mm) version path and name.
# The library file name can vary across the hosts so wildcard the search.
%if %{!defined gdb-python-config}
  %define gdb-python-config %{nil}
%if %{gdb-python-config} == %{nil}
 %define gdb-python-config %(command -v %{gdb-enable-python}-config || true)
 %if %{gdb-python-config} == %{nil}
  %define gdb-python-config %(command -v %(basename %{gdb-enable-python})-config || true)
%define gdb-python-ver-mm %(%{gdb-enable-python} --version 2>&1 | sed -e 's/.* //g' | rev | cut -d'.' -f2- | rev)
%define gdb-python-ver-major %(echo "%{gdb-python-ver-mm}" | sed -e 's/\..*//')
%define gdb-python-ver-minor %(echo "%{gdb-python-ver-mm}" | sed -e 's/.*\.//')
%define gdb-python-header Python.h
%define gdb-python-ver-header python%{gdb-python-ver-mm}/%{gdb-python-header}
%define gdb-python-ver-lib libpython%{gdb-python-ver-mm}.*
%if %{host_includes} == %{nil}
  %define gdb-host-incs %{nil}
  %define gdb-host-incs -I '%{host_includes}'
%if %{gdb-python-config} != %{nil}
  %define gdb-python-config-incs -I '%(%{gdb-python-config} --includes)'
  %define gdb-python-header-check %(%{_sbdir}/sb/rtems-build-dep -c %{__cc} %{gdb-host-incs} %{gdb-python-config-incs} -H %{gdb-python-header})
  %define gdb-python-header-check %(%{_sbdir}/sb/rtems-build-dep -c %{__cc} %{gdb-host-incs} -H %{gdb-python-ver-header})
%if %{gdb-python-header-check} == not-found && !%{_rsb_getting_source}
  %error "gdb: python: header file not found: %{gdb-python-ver-header}, please install"
%if %{host_ldflags} == %{nil}
  %define gdb-host-libs %{nil}
  %define gdb-host-libs -L '%{host_ldflags}'
%if %{gdb-python-config} != %{nil}
  %define gdb-python-lib-filter awk '{for(i=1;i<NF;++i)if(match($i,".*lpython.*")) print "lib"substr($i,3)"\\*";}'
  %define gdb-python-libpath-filter awk '{for(i=1;i<NF;++i) if (match($i,"-L.*") == 1) l[substr($i,3)]=1;} END{for(i in l) printf("-L " i " "); printf("\n");}'
  %if %{gdb-python-ver-major} < 3 || \
      %{gdb-python-ver-major} == 3 && %{gdb-python-ver-minor} < 8
      %define gdb-python-config-lib-check-flags --ldflags
      %define gdb-python-config-lib-check-flags --ldflags --embed
  %define gdb-python-config-libs %(%{gdb-python-config} %{gdb-python-config-lib-check-flags} | %{gdb-python-lib-filter})
  %define gdb-python-config-libpath %(%{gdb-python-config} %{gdb-python-config-lib-check-flags} | %{gdb-python-libpath-filter} | uniq)
  %define gdb-python-lib-check %(%{_sbdir}/sb/rtems-build-dep -c %{__cc} %{gdb-host-libs} %{gdb-python-config-libpath} -l %{gdb-python-config-libs})
  %define gdb-python-lib-check %(%{_sbdir}/sb/rtems-build-dep -c %{__cc} %{gdb-host-libs} -l %{gdb-python-ver-lib})
%if %{gdb-python-lib-check} == not-found && !%{_rsb_getting_source}
  %error "gdb: python: library file not found: %{gdb-python-ver-lib}, please install"

# If in a virtual environment use that as GDB will look 'bin/python' under it
# Supportted in GDB 13 and later.
%define gdb_version_major %(echo "%{gdb_version}" | sed -e 's/\..*//')
%if %{gdb_version_major} >= 13
  %define python-venv %(echo $VIRTUAL_ENV)
  %if %{python-venv} != %{nil}
    %define gdb-enable-python %{python-venv}

# See if the simulator has been disabled for Windows.
# Build using the system's readline, it is in better shape
# than GDB's one with MSYS2.
%if %{_host_os} == win32
 %if %{defined win32-gdb-disable-sim}
  %define gdb-disable-sim 1
 %define with_system_readline 1

# Default to building simulators.
%ifn %{defined gdb-disable-sim}
 %define gdb-disable-sim 0
 %undefine gdb-sim-options

%include %{_configdir}/checks.cfg

# Select Snapshot Macro Maps
%select gdb-snapshot
%select expat-snapshot

# The description.
Name:      %{_target}-gdb-%{gdb_version}-%{_host}-%{release}
Summary:   GDB v%{gdb_version} for target %{_target} on host %{_host}
Version:   %{gdb_version}
Release:   %{release}

# GDB has changed it default extension.
%ifn %{defined gdb_src_ext}
  %define gdb_src_ext gz

# Source
%source set gdb{gdb_version}.tar.%{gdb_src_ext}

# Disable Python on Cxc builds for now.
%if "%{_build}" != "%{_host}"
  %define without_python

# The --with-python option is either the default which is auto or the path to
# the specific python to be used.
%if %{defined with_python_path}
  %define with_python_option --with-python=%{with_python_path}
  %if %{defined gdb-enable-python}
    %define with_python_option --with-python=%{gdb-enable-python}
    %define with_python_option --with-python

# Fix the mess iconv is on FreeBSD 10.0 and higher.
%if %{defined iconv_prefix}
 %define iconv_opts --with-libiconv-prefix=%{iconv_prefix}
 %define iconv_opts %{nil}

# Prepare the source code.


  %source setup gdb -q -n ${gdb_source}
  %patch setup gdb -p1

  cd ${build_top}



  mkdir -p ${build_dir}
  cd ${build_dir}


  if test "%{_build}" != "%{_host}" ; then

  ../${source_dir_gdb}/configure \
    --build=%{_build} --host=%{_host} \
    --target=%{_target} \
    --verbose --disable-nls \
    --disable-gas --disable-binutils --disable-ld --disable-gold --disable-gprof \
    %{?with_system_readline:--with-system-readline} \
    --without-included-gettext \
    --disable-win32-registry \
    --disable-werror \
    %{!?gdb-disable-sim:--enable-sim}%{?gdb-disable-sim:--disable-sim} \
    %{?gdb-sim-options:%{gdb-sim-options}} \
    --without-zlib \
    --with-expat \
    --with-guile=no \
    %{iconv_opts} \
    %{!?without_python:%{with_python_option}} \
    --prefix=%{_prefix} --bindir=%{_bindir} \
    --exec-prefix=%{_exec_prefix} \
    --includedir=%{_includedir} --libdir=%{_libdir} \
    --mandir=%{_mandir} --infodir=%{_infodir}

  %{__make} %{?_smp_mflags} all

  cd ${build_top}


  %{__rmdir} $SB_BUILD_ROOT

  cd ${build_dir}
  %{__make} DESTDIR=$SB_BUILD_ROOT install

  # Dropped in FSF-binutils-2.9.5, but Cygwin still ships it.
  %{__rmdir} $SB_BUILD_ROOT%{_infodir}/*

  %{__rmfile} $SB_BUILD_ROOT%{_infodir}/dir
  touch $SB_BUILD_ROOT%{_infodir}/dir

  cd ${build_top}